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The Price Of UK CBD Buds Is Falling – Editorial

The price of UK CBD buds is falling
Written by Ofer Shoshani

From the beginning the price of UK CBD buds was more expensive than the price of CBD buds sold in Austria. Not any more…

Last week we saw a major step into normalizing the UK CBD buds market, when leading suppliers have lower their prices due to harsh competition, both within the UK and from imported CBD buds, coming from Austria.

In order to understand this move, we need to look at the availability of CBD buds in the UK and, ask where can you get them from?

Mango Haze hemp flower. The price has dropped below £10

Mango Haze hemp flower. The price has dropped below £10

Currently, people who wish to experience the instant relief, health benefits and good feeling coming from the use of vaping CBD flowers, can get them either from offline (regular) shops or from online ones. While your options to walk into a store and buy quality CBD buds are very limited, since there are only a few shops selling them, the situation in the online world is completely different and numerous shops are competing who will bring the best products to the UK.

This is a new thing, since until recently there were only a few online shops openly selling CBD buds in the UK. However, as we have reported earlier, this is changing as we speak and more and more companies are trying to capitalize from this new flourishing market. However, the picture won’t be complete, without looking at the CBD buds market in Austria, where you can buy cheap quality CBD flowers almost identical to the ones sold in the UK, but for 20% less…

Austrian Redwood Kush Indoor Hemp Flower. An alternative to UK CBD buds.

Austrian Redwood Kush Indoor Hemp Flower. An alternative to UK CBD buds.

The cheap flowers from Austria along with the harsh competition of the last months, have forced established CBD sellers, to reduce their prices in between 10%-20%, and now they are selling their best CBD buds, for £10-£12 or even below! However, before rushing to get this new legal weed you should be aware that these products differ in value, so always look for the best-selling CBD buds, to make sure your products are the indeed the best.

One last thing you should be aware of is regulations. The legal status of UK CBD buds is currently under attack from a variety of organizations, trying to limit the availability of this product. As happened in California, where the Cannabis industry have succeed in changing the local law, so some CBD products have become illegal (you read it right, THC is legal, but CBD isn’t…), the future is not granted. Currently, there is a debate and no one can tell you that buying CBD buds is either legal or illegal, until the regulators will get to the point where they specifically address this matter. Some estimate that this could happen not before 2020… so in less than two years we will get a clear answer to this question and until then, just keep following us and we will update you on any change coming, once it comes, either way.

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About the author

Ofer Shoshani

Ofer Shoshani is the Founder and Editor-in-chief of Cannadelics.