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Can You Buy CBD Flowers In The UK?

Written by Ofer Shoshani

In the recent months the debate surrounding the legality of selling CBD Hemp Flowers in the UK has nearly reached a decision point, and CBD flowers are now sold almost freely, both in the UK and in Ireland.

With all the hype surrounding CBD at the moment, it’s no wonder that manufacturers are looking for ever more innovative and original ways to sell their products. The new star in Europe are CBD flowers UK: high-CBD hemp flowers (AKA ‘CBD Buds’, ‘Marijuana Light’ or ‘Legal Weed’) and shops offering seedless, trimmed legal hemp flowers are opening everyday throughout the continent.

CBD flowers UK: Lemon Skunk

CBD flowers UK: Lemon Skunk

Click HERE for the list of the best CBD Flowers in the UK

Vaping of high CBD hemp flowers is considered by many a better alternative for both tobacco and cannabis consumption, due to the fact that hemp flowers contain very low THC (which is not necessarily bad for you, but most people don’t want to be ‘high’) and no nicotine at all. As a result, many cannabis and tobacco users have found the ‘legal weed‘ alternative a better product, creating more demand than supply can handle.

Here are some reasons why vaping CBD flowers can actually be better than using THC or tobacco: 1 – It’s a better alternative to tobacco and has anti-addiction benefits (if you are a tobacco user, trying to quit). 2 – It’s good for daily usage, since, unlike THC, it won’t make you ‘high’. And, 3 – It can offset the negative effects of THC, such as paranoia and anxiety.

CBD Flowers UK: Is it legal?

With all the hype surrounding CBD flowers, you would expect the UK, one of the world’s largest producers of legal cannabis, to lead the online sales of CBD buds in Europe. However, until recently the ‘legal weed’ phenomena was put on hold in the UK due to the strong resistance coming from the ‘CTA’ (Cannabis Trade Association). Unlike other countries in the EU, where high CBD hemp buds are now legally sold everywhere, the CTA has succeeded in convincing many hemp businesses in the UK to avoid doing the same under the claim that it’s illegal.

Mango Kush Jelly 'Hash'

Mango Kush Jelly ‘Hash’

Without taking sides in the legal battlefield, we must report that the month of June was probably the best month ever for shops selling CBD buds in the UK. Since the demand keeps on rising, while supply is limited (at least until the next harvest in September) sales are expected to continue to rise, both for CBD flowers UK and legal CBD Hash, the second biggest recreational CBD product, which is gaining more support every day from devoted clients.

It appears that the public has gotten tired of waiting for regulators to make up their minds, and decided to actively check out the new tobacco alternative, the CBD flowers UK…

Click HERE for the list of the best CBD Flowers in the UK

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About the author

Ofer Shoshani

Ofer Shoshani is the Founder and Editor-in-chief of Cannadelics.