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How Long Does Cannabidiol Stay in Your System?

How long does CBD stay in your system
Written by Devin Yirka

Cannabidiol works five to thirty minutes after intake, and the effect lasts for approximately four to five hours. But it doesn’t mean that it’s flushed out of the body. How long does Cannabidiol stay in your system?

Before discussing cannabidiol, let’s dive into current regulation. In the United States, nine states have already legalized the use of recreational and medical marijuana. Twenty-one other states have also legalized cannabis for medical use. Legal marijuana sales reached $9.7 billion in North America in 2017, and it is predicted to grow to $24.5 billion by 2021.

This is because of many several reasons. One, favorability to legalization is at an all-time high at 64 percent, according to a Gallup survey. Two, the prejudice that has colored cannabis perception is rapidly being wiped out. And three, several studies have found promising benefits of cannabis, particularly in the compound CBD.

What Is Cannabidiol (CBD)?

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is one of 113 identified cannabinoids found in cannabis plant. Similar to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it’s also found in Cannabis sativa. Unlike THC, CBD is nonpsychoactive, so it doesn’t alter a user’s behavior, consciousness, and perception. Instead, it works to induce relaxation, without the high one gets from THC.

Although both THC and CBD come from the same plant, cannabidiol used for medical purposes is mostly taken from hemp, which is the least-processed form of the cannabis plant. Marijuana farmers cultivate cannabis plants that are high in THC. Hemp farmers do not.

What Are the Effects of Cannabidiol?

The human body has two cannabinoid receptors called the CB1 receptors and the CBD2 receptors. The body also produces certain cannabinoids on its own, which attach themselves to receptors.

THC attaches itself to CB1 receptors, which are found all over the body but are primarily present in nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. CB1 receptors are said to affect coordination and movement, emotions, appetite, and thinking. CBD was believed to work on CB2 receptors present in the immune cells and deals with inflammation and pain.

However, it was found that CBD did not directly work on the receptors; rather, it encouraged the body to use its own cannabinoids.

Early studies found positive findings about the effect of cannabidiol, but with the field so young and mostly unexplored, experts caution about jumping into the bandwagon.

Is CBD Legal in All Fifty States?

The short answer is no, but the line between what’s legal and illegal is murky when it comes to CBD. In March this year, Drug Enforcement Association (DEA) spokesman Rusty Payne told WTHR that CBD oil is not legal and violates two federal laws, the Controlled Substance Act and Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

Anyone who is caught violating the law “runs the risk of arrest and prosecution.” However, Payne also said that the DEA will not target those who use CBD oil to treat serious medical conditions.

But this is where things get murky. Players in the cannabis industry state that cannabis oil (with less than 0.3 percent concentration of THC) taken from industrial hemp is legal under the 2014 Farm Bill. The bill also states that it is possible to legally grow and cultivate industrial hemp under a state pilot program for academic purposes.

For now, CBD remains in illegal in most US states, except in states where cannabis use is legal (e.g., Colorado, California, Oregon) and in states with specific laws on cannabidiol use. Because of medical marijuana legalization, CBD can be bought legally in many states.

However, there still are risks, as mentioned by Spokesman Payne. Check the laws of your state to make sure you are within your rights to purchase, possess, and use cannabidiol.

How Long Does Cannabidiol Stay in the Body?

Although several states have legalized the production, possession, use, and distribution of cannabis plants (under certain conditions), there still are many reservations about its use. While CBD is not a psychoactive drug, it’s still sourced from the same plant as THC is and has garnered the same notorious reputation despite being used mostly for health-related purposes.

For example, many US companies and institutions still maintain black-and-white policies against cannabis use. Those who have CBD oil in their treatment need to ensure that they pass workplace hair drug tests or other substance tests.

Cannabidiol works five to thirty minutes after intake, and the effect lasts for approximately four to five hours. But it doesn’t mean that it’s flushed out of the body. Traces of CBD stay three to four days in the body when taken in normal doses (not more than 700 milligrams per day).

Even then, there still are factors that affect the processing of cannabidiol in the body. These factors include the age of the user, their body weight, and the method of consuming CBD.

CBD oil is widely available in some states. When buying cannabidiol, make sure that you get it from a legal and legitimate business to make sure that you are getting CBD with little to no THC (or below 0.3 percent concentration).

Normally, CBD does not show in drug tests, but THC does. Be cautious about your supplier, and ensure your safety. Ask for referrals from reputable sources, do your research about the business, and read customer reviews before you buy from your sources.

Final Thoughts

CBD does not have the same effect as THC has. It doesn’t induce a high or give one a psychedelic experience.

As experts and lawmakers debate over whether cannabis is good, one should keep a critical mind about what the media, the science community, and the government say about the plant. The history of cannabis is not so black and white.

It was because of bigotry and racism that studies on cannabis have not advanced for many, many years. Because of this, people may have been deprived of a potential treatment for certain ailments.

Open-mindedness and education about cannabis are crucial now more than ever. The government and other institutions should stop focusing on painting cannabis as evil. Instead, they should look into whether the plant has genuine potential to treat terminal diseases and conditions. Only then should people make judgments whether cannabis is truly dangerous or not.

*** This is a guest post, not approved or authorized by other than the writer himself ***

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  • I disagree with the statement that CBD “doesn’t induce a high”. It certainly does. It’s a clear-headed high that feels very good. While full-spectrum marijuana is a good substitute for alcohol (which kills 80,000 Americans/year), CBD hemp is an excellent substitute for tobacco (which kills 400,000 Americans/year) as it has zero effect on a user’s ability to make sound decisions, operate heavy machinery or engage in conversations with non-marijuana/hemp users.

About the author

Devin Yirka

Devin Yirka is the Production Assistant at Testclear, a drug testing advisor and online seller of home drug testing kits. He occasionally writes for Testclear about drug testing and other related topics.