Featured Health

CBD Testers Special Update – Claim Your Samples

Written by Ofer Shoshani

CBD Testers are pleased to announce this week that we have approved TWO new companies, both supplying great quality CBD products to our members, with ongoing group discounts. We are also proud to present to our members the CBD Testers all-new ‘Ask A Doctor’ Sessions, which take place live on Facebook, Each and every Thursday at 1pm EST…

New CBD Suppliers:

This week we have approved 2 new suppliers who will offer great quality products at group discount prices to our community. First up, is UK-based CIITECH, who will supply high-grade CBD products to our UK community. There’s also Viva CBD, who will supply to our US CBD users. Both have agreed to contribute FREE samples for our community to try and test.

CBD Samplers:

CBD Testers are currently seeking 100 samplers from the US to try VIVACBD’s 300mg Pure CBD Oil Tincture. You can apply for this great opportunity at THIS LINK.


Are you from the UK?
CBD Testers are currently seeking 75 samplers from the UK to try CITTECH’s Herbalica ‘CalmTime‘ high-quality CBD Oil. You can apply for this great opportunity at THIS LINK.


Exclusive Deals and Special Offers

The CBD Testers team have managed to secure great group discounts from the following companies:

Viva CBD – CBD Oil Tinctures for human and pets, Softgels, Flavored CBD Mints at 20% Discount for CBD Testers Members. If group discounts and great quality CBD interest you, you can find this great deal HERE.

CIITECH – Provacan and Herbalica products at 20% Discount for CBD Testers Members. If group discounts and great quality CBD interest you, you can find this great deal HERE.

Ask A Doctor Sessions:

CBD Testers ‘Ask a Doctor’ sessions are a unique opportunity for our community members to interact directly with our in-house doctor, Dr Leah Zachar, having their CBD and health related questions answered in real time.

Last week’s ‘Ask a doctor’ session on “Insomnia and CBD” was epic by all accounts. You can read all the details of that great Q & A HERE, HERE and HERE.

CBD Testers all-new ‘Ask A Doctor’ Sessions, which take place live on Facebook, Each and every Thursday at 1pm EST. To join the conversation click this Facebook Link. *These sessions are completely free of charge.*

Weekly News Highlights:

Last week was all about CBD, with some interesting tidbits of news about the natural remedy.

Hebrew University To Study Effects Of CBD On Asthma

Professor Raphael Mechoulam and his team from the Multidisciplinary Center on Cannabinoid Research of the Hebrew University are all set to explore ground-breaking research on the potential connection between CBD and asthma. To read the full article please CLICK HERE.

The Top 5 CBD Products Of 2017

The results are in! Below are the top 5 cannabidiol (CBD) products of 2017. To read the full story please CLICK HERE.

Report: Oklahoma Patients Prefer CBD For Chronic Pain

With the current CBD buzz sweeping North America, Oklahoma could be the next state to see full legalization of medical cannabis. To read the full article please CLICK HERE.

About The CBD Testers Program

CBD Testers is a unique online community for people using CBD for health and wellness, or for those who are curious about it. From vast information about CBD products and dosing, to exclusives deals and special offers, we even have an amazing ‘Ask a Doctor’ weekly session on Facebook, covering everything you need to know about CBD from a medical perspective.

CBD Testers’ mission is to lead the way in providing safe, great quality, pre-approved CBD products and delivery systems for our global community, at affordable prices. Our aim is to enrich and enhance the lives of people needing relief for their specific medical condition, as well as for those seeking wellness and a healthy lifestyle alternative. Through our commitment to safety & quality, we aim to exceed expectations as we enter a new era of medicinal solutions, with CBD leading the way as a natural remedy for a holistic lifestyle and sense of wellbeing.

If you like what you’ve seen so far, please feel free to share the information with your friends. The CBD Testers Program is all about strength in numbers, and the bigger the community the more power we have to obtain attractive group discounts on great CBD products, on an ongoing basis.

[Image credit: Pixabay]

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1 Comment

  • Hey Ofer,
    I’m extremely excited and thrilled to have the possibility and the privilege, of testing CBD oil Samples for our UK CBD Testers Programme.
    Can I ask if we, the UK CBD Testers, need to fulfill a specific criteria to be selected?
    Thank you again for starting the Testers Programme, I’m looking forward to getting involved.
    Best regards
    Max ✌????????

About the author

Ofer Shoshani

Ofer Shoshani is the Founder and Editor-in-chief of Cannadelics.