
CBD Testers Are Giving Away 75 Samples Of CIITECH’s CalmTime CBD Oil

Written by Corre Addam

CBD Testers are currently seeking 75 samplers from the UK to try CITTECH’s Herbalica ‘CalmTime‘ high-quality CBD Oil. Want to get on board?

Herbalica Traditional Herbal Remedies
The ‘HERBALICA’ brand from Israel is a blended traditional herbal remedy, delicately infused with CBD. In partnership with Seach, a fully licensed cannabis facility in Israel, the Herbalica development team are specialists in discovering and developing herbal formulations for support and maintenance of the human body and mind.
A cleverly crafted blend of multiple scientifically proved plant extracts (many used in chinese medicine)… infused with pure CBD.

Exclusive Must Have Offer

In case that you need more than a sample, or you want it now, CIITECH is offering you this MUST HAVE Offer: As a member of the CBD Testers Program, you can enjoy these approved high-quality products with an exclusive 20% discount, by using the coupon code CBDTESTERS20 at checkout.

While currently, only UK members can be accepted as samplers, this exclusive 20% discount is widely available to all EU and UK members who wish to try CITTECH’s Israel-Based products.

This is a limited time offer, so hurry up and redeem your 20% discount HERE

How to Apply For CIITECH’s CalmTime Sample

UK Members of the CBD Testers Program that have completed their profile can apply at the button below to be included in the samplers group. The application form is served to verify your mailing address, so check it carefully before submitting it. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation letter, so look for it. You have only until uesday the 12th to apply, since we wish to send you the samples toward the end of next week.

Please be aware that while we endeavour to process each and every application as quickly as possible, we cannot guarantee that all applicants will be successful in receiving samples as stock from CBD suppliers is limited. Applicants also need to be in line with our guidelines to gain approval.

See CIITECH lab results AnalysisAssay / Heavy metals


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About the author

Corre Addam

Addam spends the lion's share of his day fixated on his computer screen. When he isn't in front of his computer, you'll most likely find him editing or researching his next fascinating article on his smartphone or tablet. When he manages to pull himself away from technology, you'll find him chilling hard somewhere, probably under a tree with an ice-cold Iced-tea, pondering life...