Culture Delta 8 Lifestyle Products

Smoking Like a Boss – Luxurious Delta-8 THC Cigars

high end cigars
Written by Sarah Friedman

You’re chic, you’re fashionable, you’ve got it going on. You don’t want to be a millennial sucking on a vape, and you’re not interested in picking through gummies or finding the perfect THC chocolate bar. You want something sophisticated. You want something that screams ‘luxury’. Well, my friends, these delta-8 THC cigars are exactly what you’re looking for, to smoke in the utmost of style.

Delta-8 products are wildly gaining popularity all over the US, with offerings like delta-8 THC cigars showing what a super-high-end smoking experience looks like. However, not everyone likes cigars, and that’s why it’s great there are so many delta-8 products to choose from. In fact, go ahead and take a look at our awesome Delta-8 THC deals to find the perfect products to fit your lifestyle. But delta-8 isn’t alone in the game, other hemp-derived THC products, such as delta-10 THCTHCVTHCOTHC-PHHC are also selling very well…

What is a cannabis cigar?

A cannabis cigar is not like a standard cigar, that’s the first thing to know. A standard cigar is a tobacco product, and cannabis cigars actually do not contain tobacco. They are, instead, a form of smokable cannabis that uses several different parts of the cannabis plant. These cigars can be made from high-THC marijuana plants, or low-THC hemp plants, either way, the production process is the same. These cigars go by different names, including, Thai sticks, cannagars, and canna cigars.

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Very high-grade cannabis flowers are ground and packed together. Then, the matter is rolled in resin or cannabis oil to act as glue, before being wrapped in cannabis leaves, or hemp wraps. Some companies will go a step beyond this even, applying resin or oil and then rolling the cigar in kief for an added kick. Pretty intense, huh?

If it sounds like smoking cannabis cigars might burn a hole in your pocketbook, this might indeed be the case, but it certainly doesn’t have to be. The highest grade cannagars can run as high as $500, or even a $1000+, but like with almost any kind of product, this does not rule out more affordable options. And plenty of the less cash-intense products still offer the user a high level of quality, as is generally desired by the standard cigar smoker.

delta-8 THC cigars

Some people like to smoke cigars to celebrate special occasions, like a marriage, or a graduation. Others smoke more regularly, kicking up their legs in an armchair as they puff, or taking drags behind a big heavy, wooden desk in a business meeting (understandably this image is less likely with laws against smoking indoors, but it sure passed muster a few decades ago, and is still quite relevant in plenty of situations today).

Best delta-8 THC cigars


One of the premiere companies for cannabis cigars in general, provides great delta-8 THC cigar options as well, Leira. Leira actually offers tons of delta-8 THC cigars in different strains ranging from:

$50 – Leira Noir: 5 Gram CBD Cannarillo – Wedding Cake, which offers a 3 for the price of 2 deal.

$75 – Leira Noir: 5 Gram Delta-8 Cannarillo – Pineapple OG, which also offers a 3 for the price of 2 deal.

$250 – Leira Cannagar: 12 Gram Delta-8 – Gelato, a super high-end cigar for those who want to really show they spent the money.

Rose Cannaroma - Delta-8 THC Cigars
Rose Cannaroma – Delta-8 THC Cigars

Country Road Cannagars

Country Road Cannagars is another way to get your delta-8 THC cigar fix. Country Road Cannagars hand-wraps all its cigars, which are made from 100% hemp, complete with certificates of analysis, and terpene profiles for all strains used. Cigars come with a humidity pack to ensure freshness for up to three months. This company offers four cigar options, along with three multi-pack options.

$20 – 1.2 Gram CBD+250mg Delta 8 Stubby Cannarillo – This delta-8 THC infused cigar is made from organic hemp flowers, and wrapped in hemp leaf grown indoors. It is quite a bargain for $20, and smokes for approximately 20-35 minutes.

$42 – 2.5 Gram CBD+550mg Delta 8 Cannarillo – This cigar has approximately 550mg of infused delta-8 THC, is about four inches long, and is fit with a wood tip made by Organitips. This cigar will smoke for 40-55 minutes.

$68 – 4 Gram CBD+1000mg Delta 8 Wood tip Cannagar – With about 1,000mg of infused delta-8, wooden tip, and packed with four grams of organic flower, this cigar can last between 55-95 minutes.

$95 – 6 Gram CBD+1300mg Delta 8 Cannagar – This high-end option has about 1,300mg of infused-delta-8, along with six grams of organically grown flower, a cigar style tip, and can be smoked for 85 minutes to two hours.

smoking in style

This company goes a little farther, offering multi-pack options.

$59 – Three Pack (3) of 1.2 Gram CBD+250mg Delta 8 Stubby Cannarillos, to get the night going.

$99 – Five Pack (5) of 1.2 Gram CBD+250mg Delta 8 Stubby Cannarillos, to make sure you can go all night.

$230 – Sample Collection (4) of CBD+Delta 8 Cannarillos & Cannagars, so you can share with friends and family.


Yerba offers some of the most luxurious delta-8 THC cigar options. These cigars use single origin organic hemp flowers, are hand-rolled to perfection, and are set at a price point that allows full luxury, but still within reasonable spending limits. The company offers two delta-8 options, along with some other great cigars, which are also listed.

$33.99-34.99 – Delta 8 THC Dipped And CBD Kief Dusted Hemp Cigar. This cigar is an intense experience with organic hemp wraps, wooden tip, 76.1% delta-8 distillate, and 22.4% organic CBD kief. This cannagar weighs eight grams and can be smoked for over an hour.

$60 – Delta 8 THC Drizzled 24K Gold Tipped Rose Cigar. This cigar or ‘rosegar’, uses real rose petals, along with a wooden tip, rolling paper made of 24k gold, and organic hemp infused with 76.1% delta-8. The cigar comes with a humidity pack to ensure freshness, and can be smoked for over one hour.

Other non-delta-8 options from the company include:

$22.99-25.99 – Aztec Cannarillo Corn Husk Cannagar. This cigar uses T.Ras corn husk wraps with its premium organic hemp flower, and a wooden tip. Weighing in at about 4.5 grams, this cigar can be smoked for over 35 minutes.

$55.99 – 24K Gold Tipped Rose Cannagar Cigar. This ‘rosegar’ cigar comes with a wooden tip, uses real rose petals, 24k gold rolling paper, and premium single origin organic hemp flower. It comes with a humidity pack, weighs in at nine grams, and can be smoked for over an hour.

$55-60 – 24K Gold Cannagar Cigar. This cigar uses 24k gold leaf rolling paper to pack its organic premium single origin hemp flowers. It has a wooden tip, comes with a humidity pack to lock in freshness, and can be smoked for over one hour.

Mountain Strong Hemp Company

$14.99 – This company offers Delta-8 Infused King Palm Cigars, made of the finest ingredients. These cigars are infused with CBD, CBG, and delta-8 THC to make a cannabinoid trifecta, which is hand-rolled perfectly, and stored in tight glass tubes to ensure freshness. Each cigar is filled with ‘Special Reserve Full Spectrum Top Shelf Flower’, and comes in the flavors Regular, Mint, and Banana Cream. Cigars can be bought as one, or in packs of four ($54.99), ten ($124.99), twenty ($220), or fifty ($450). Bulk and wholesale prices are available, and suppliers should contact the company for more information.

puro cannarona - Delta-8 THC Cigars
Cannarona – PuroCannagars

What is delta-8 THC, and why use it for cigars?

In short, delta-8 THC is an alternate form of THC to delta-9, which is the standard THC associated with marijuana that gets a person high. Though they share the same chemical formula, and offer nearly identical medical benefits, there are a few differences between the two. First, delta-8 THC is associated with less psychoactive high, about 2/3 that of delta-9. It is also not associated with producing the same kind of anxiety in users as delta-9, but it is associated with producing a milder high which leaves the user feeling more energetic, with less couch locking effect. All of these attributes make delta-8 THC preferable to many recreational and medical users.

While delta-8 THC does not seem to be legal, it has managed to carve itself out a place in what is considered legal gray area, which, whether this is true or not, has allowed for a market. And there doesn’t seem to be much stopping it on a larger level, though individual states have passed laws to keep it from being sold. The reason given for this is the fact that delta-8 THC, though occurring naturally, requires human processing help to produce enough to use for products, thus making it eligible for illegality due to the Federal Analogue Act.

This, of course, doesn’t make delta-8 THC bad or dangerous, but means that without regulation, its hard for the buyer to be sure of the safety of their product. For this reason, buyers should stick to sellers they are familiar with and trust if they are worried about the quality of the product being bought. Nevertheless, there is an array of great delta-8 THC cigars on the market for interested consumers to try. Since delta-8 has not been ruled out fully to the point of not being able to buy and sell products, and because of the legal gray area it seems to sit in, it also means delta-8 THC cigars can be mailed throughout the US, whereas delta-9 products generally cannot. This makes them more nationally accessible than other high-THC cigars.


Delta-8 THC cigars are not for everyone. But they certainly scratch the itch of a certain population. For high-class smokers who don’t want to give up the cigar experience, and are more interested in cannabis than tobacco, these cigars represent the luxury, class, and style that cigars are known for. Plus, they offer the perfect delta-8 THC buzz for smokers who want a different option from delta-9, but still want a THC experience.

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Save Big On Delta 8 LunaRockets

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About the author

Sarah Friedman

I look stuff up and and write stuff down, in order to make sense of the world around. And I travel a lot too.