No need to travel, this year it’s easier to visit CannX than ever. One of the biggest medical cannabis conferences in the world that you can attend from your own living room.
Just like the live events in years prior, CannX 2020 Virtual will provide excellent networking opportunities as well as opportunities for learning about the latest in scientific research, agricultural practices and innovation, and business opportunities. An application was submitted to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) for CME accreditation of CannX 2020.
To learn more about this event and book your spot, subscribe to the Medical Cannabis Weekly Newsletter
Special Celebration for the Father of Cannabis Research
This year, CannX will also be hosting a special celebration in honor of the “Father of Cannabis Research” himself, Raphael Mechoulam, who is celebrating is 90th birthday this year. This award-winning researcher was the first to isolate cannabinoids and study them, back in the early 1960s. To this day, his research continues as he was recently granted $2.4 million dollars to work on developing cannabis-based treatments for three aggressive forms of cancer: melanoma (skin cancer), neuroblastoma (cancer originating in the surrounding and mostly neural system in children), and glaublastoma (brain cancer). The honorary session will include a one-on-one interview of Mr. Mechoulam by Dr. Dedi Meiri.
““I have spent most of my life decoding the mysteries to be found within this incredible plant,” says Mechoulam. “The collective work on the plant has currently led to identifying a major physiological system, the endocannabinoid system, which appears to be involved in numerous human illnesses. I would like to see my colleagues forge ahead with their investigations, advancing even further the acceptance and integration of cannabinoids, in particular cannabidiol, its derivatives and the specific CB2 agonists, in traditional medicine.”
Shifting to a Virtual Event
As coronavirus safety measure continue to impact the way we live our lives and run our businesses, the trade show industry seen a shift as well. Although virtual conferences are not a new thing, taking a large convention with extremely high attendance such as one, and organizing it as a completely remote event has not been very common until this year.
One of the benefits of running a virtual conference is that it allows more people to participate in this event, those who wouldn’t normally have the time or capabilities to travel halfway across the world to attend a trade show. Until now, CannX has been held in Tel Aviv, the epicenter of medical cannabis research.
Event Highlights
Some of this year’s event highlights include:
- Women in the Forefront of Cannabis Innovation
- The Interplay of Science, Business, and Law
- Cannabinoids and the Elderly
- Medical Cannabis and the Role of Pharmacists: The Israeli Experience
You can also expect numerous round table discussions and workshops help by an expert committee with members including Raphael Mechoulam (of course); as well as Yossi Bornstein, Founder & CEO of Shizim Group; Founder & Partner of Cann10, Israel; Dr. Dedi Meiri, Head of Scientific Advisory Board, Assistant Professor, Heads the ‘Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Cannabinoid Research’, Technion, Institute of Technology, Israel; and Raquel Peyraube M.D., Executive Committee of the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines, Uruguay.
Final Thoughts
In short, you don’t want to miss this incredibly educational event, and this year, it’s easier to attend than ever before. CannX 2020 Virtual, October 26th to 28th!
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