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The Recreational CBD Weekly Review: Choosing the Best Products, Smoking CBD, People Ditching THC for CBD, and more

Written by Alexandra Hicks
In this week’s Recreational CBD Weekly Review, we’ll go over some of the most important things to keep in mind when shopping for CBD in this turbulent market. 

Also, we’re taking a look at why so many people have been ditching THC in lieu of CBD lately, as well as a detailed look at what really happens when you smoke CBD flowers. All that and more in this week’s newsletter.

FEATURED STORY: The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Best-Quality CBD Products

cbd products

The CBD industry is booming and growing exponentially at a rate faster than anyone expected. With that boom comes many great CBD products that are available on the market today. Unfortunately, there are also some sub-standard CBD products too, and some of them could even be potentially dangerous.

That’s why we’re bringing you the CBD Testers Ultimate Guide to choosing only the best CBD, with some pointers and guidance on what to look out for before you buy. This way, you can rest assured you’re getting value for money as well as the finest quality CBD.

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Must Read Articles:

What Happens When You Smoke CBD Flowers?

smoke cbd

With all the talk around these days about CBD – known technically as Cannabidiol – some people are a little confused about what it is, how it works and how it makes you feel. So what actually happens when you smoke CBD?

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Which 2020 Presidential Candidate Wants To Legalize Cannabis By Executive Order?

bernie sanders

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic in the world of politics in America these days. While many presidential hopefuls have vowed to legalize recreational buds, one man in particular wants to go a step further.

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Why Cannabis Enthusiasts Are Turning To CBD In Droves

thc cbd

While many people take cannabis for the high, stoned and relaxing effects it offers, many cannabis connoisseurs are moving away from the intoxicating THC compound and turning to CBD.

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About the author

Alexandra Hicks

Managing editor at Cannadelics and U.S based journalist, helping spread the word about the many benefits of using cannabis and psychedelics.