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Automated Budtenders Coming to a Dispensary Near You

Written by Alexandra Hicks

Welcome to the future, where getting your cannabis is as simple as pushing a few buttons on a state-of-the-art vending machine.

Enter Greenbox Robotics, a company built around the idea of bringing technology and automation to the consumer cannabis industry. Greenbox is basically the next-generation arcade claw, with a touch-screen, user friendly interface that allows customers to browse through the dispensary’s inventory while a robotic arm literally does all their shopping for them.

It’s been referred to as an Automated Budtender, and it could revolutionize the dispensary experience. Research, development and production took over 1 year to complete and the Greenbox is 100% USA-made, down to the smallest screw.  

According to CEO Zack Johnson, “The biggest obstacle was establishing the communication between two vastly different technologies. We had to create a hack between the fully integrated touch screen and the robotic arm to properly deliver the products that customers added to cart.”


He added, “We also had to challenge traditional vending machines by incorporating an ‘add to cart’ functionality, which enables our customers to purchase as many items as they want in one single transaction reflective of an online shopping cart.”

It made its debut at Erba Collective dispensary in Los Angeles, California, at the beginning of this year. During the first month of use, Greenbox generated around $20,000 in revenue for the collective where it’s referred to as “Erba Express Checkout, Powered by Greenbox Robotics.”

The machine is extremely popular among shoppers, who can quickly get in, get their product, and get out and on with their days. The thought came to Johnsons mind while waiting in a long line to check out at Erba one day. 

“With greenbox, we are empowering dispensaries to automate the purchase flow and create a fast and private customer experience. By harnessing the power of today’s technology, greenbox users have the power at their fingertips to choose their own experience and dispensary owners can better allocate funds as well as manage their operation,” continued Johnson in his interview with Cannabis Magazine. 

He claims to already have orders coming in from Oregon, Washington, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Nevada. So, keep your eyes peeled for the Greenbox, likely coming soon to a dispensary near you.

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About the author

Alexandra Hicks

Managing editor at Cannadelics and U.S based journalist, helping spread the word about the many benefits of using cannabis and psychedelics.