Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or both (work-from-home mom), chances are you’ve experienced the stressful moments of motherhood that leave you wanting to hide out in the bathroom for the rest of the day.
Being a mother is the most rewarding experience in life, but raising kids is hard work! The day-to-day issues that many mothers face are not often discussed and tend to get brushed aside. You know what I’m talking about. The lack of sleep and random pains. Dealing with messes, tantrums, and tears. Feeling like you’ll never be able to finish everything you need to get done. Believe me, we’ve all been there!
Nowadays, many moms are turning to cannabidiol (CBD) to help them relax and reduce their anxiety, manage pain, and be more present overall — without the high of using THC or any prescription medications. Natural alternatives are becoming more popular for mothers who are looking for the healthiest options for themselves and their families. It’s also common among nursing mamas who are reluctant to take any prescription and OTC medications – myself included.
Take Jo Highland, a stay-at-home mom of two who uses CBD to reduce stress and be able to juggle her routine tasks. “I have a husband who has a high-demand job with long hours and travel, so I am the one taking the kids to and from school, to gymnastics, to swimming,” says the 38-year-old Ohio resident. “On a day I know it’s going to be high stress, I say, ‘Let me grab a [CBD-infused] seltzer.’ ”

CBD oil is becoming increasingly popular among mothers
Highland says she chose CBD over antianxiety medicine because it “doesn’t impair my ability to take care of my kids” but still “makes me feel really calm and takes my anxiety from a 10 to a 4.”
For Maya Page, a 31-year-old Chicago-area creative director and mom, CBD helped relieve her postpartum anxiety. “I have three kids now, and after having my first two I’d get these extreme panic attacks out of nowhere. I could be doing something relaxing, and then suddenly I’d have a panicked feeling,” she says.
She was given antianxiety medication but developed some worrisome side effects so she decided to try CBD oil instead. She typically uses a bit of CBD oil in the morning and it’s helped immensely with her anxiety. “After you birth kids, your hormones go a little crazy,” she says. “This time around, it has tremendously helped me and I no longer feel anxious. I noticed a big change — I’m able to be calmer and more patient.”
“I need to be alert to be able to take care of my kids, so I needed something that wouldn’t affect my mentality and the ability to be ‘on,’ ” she added.
I’m also a mother of two – a toddler and an infant – and I work from home full-time. Parental responsibilities, work duties, and random household tasks and errands often fill my day from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. I do, however, try to take some time for myself at least a couple times a week to unwind. Whether I decide to watch one of my favorite shows at home or get out of the house for an hour or two, my plans often involve CBD.
My personal opinion is that, you can’t be at the top of your game if you’re constantly stressed. Taking some time for selfcare is so, so, so important for all the mamas out there and CBD helps to seamlessly facilitate the transition from ‘mom mode’ to a nice, peaceful state of mind. Sometimes when you’re constantly on-the-go, it can be hard to turn that off and just relax.
If all this sounds like you, then trying CBD – doesn’t matter if it’s edibles, flowers, oil, etc. – should definitely be on your short list of things to do.