CBD is not an addictive drugs. Short of vaping more CBD oil than you would ever need or want, the ability to get high or addicted to CBD does not exist.
In recent years Cannabis, in all its forms, has been heralded as a miraculous drug that can cure almost anything. There are a good number of patients with previously unmitigated pain that now enjoy a calmer, less miserable existence because of medical marijuana. Still, it takes a discerning consumer to be able to differentiate fact from fiction, science from fantasy.
There are neurological, psychological, oncological, and orthopedic conditions that have responded successfully to the use of medical cannabis. As such, this treatment has been shown to increase the quality of life for patients globally. That said, medical cannabis is more than lighting up a joint, at least for some. Many of those with chronic pain or prolonged illnesses do quite well with with CBD, an organically occurring substance in the cannabis plant. CBD is typically used as an oil and can be extremely effective when vaped.
What is CBD?
The cannabis plant is a wellspring of therapeutic materials including CBD and THC. While the latter compound is what typically causes its users to get high, it can be used medicinally and in a similar fashion as CBD. Overall however, it appears that CBD is most beneficial for patients, particularly when extracted from hemp, who are seeking relief without becoming intoxicated.
CBD can be found in several forms, including oils, tinctures, and edibles. Why someone might use one form of CBD over another depends upon their personal preference as well as the reasons they are using it. Whatever mode is chosen has to best suit the individual.
Why Vaping CBD Oil?
One of the reasons people choose to vape cannabinoid oils, particularly when treating a medical condition, is because doing so is very conducive to accurate dosing. Vaping also allows individuals to adjust the potency of their oil in a simpler fashion than they would with other methods. Furthermore, vaping affords users the ability to be discreet and less noticeable, and requires little instruction to use.
Vaporizers make vaping accessible in most public places, and hold up quite well to the wear and tear of everyday use. While pain or symptom management may be the key reason for vaping, the right device can make a medicinal experience feel, taste, and smell better too. Add to that the process by which CBD oils become inhalable (the coils of a vape pen activate the oil instead of burning it), and you are left with significantly decreased amounts of inhaled residue.
Therapeutic uses of CBD
With all of its highlighted benefits, you may be wondering what conditions CBD oil can really treat. For starters, the United States’ opioid crisis, a pandemic that kills over 100 people a day, has researchers and laymen alike wondering how to solve this problem and effectively lower the amount of deaths related to overdose. While CBD has not proven to be a panacea in this regard, some studies suggest that overdoses related to opioid abuse are lower in states with legalized marijuana. Though additional tests need to be conducted, it would be an incredible irony to discover that a naturally occurring drug has been the key to unlocking and then slamming the door on hardcore drug addictions.
Cannabidiol oil has also shown dramatic improvement in children who suffer from panic, anxiety, and disturbed sleep patterns. It has also been linked to improvements in weight management, both for the overweight and underweight populations, as well as with those suffering from nausea, inflammation, and a host of brain diseases.
According to an article published in Oncology Reports in 2007 entitled, “Endocannabinoids as Emerging Suppressors of Angiogenesis and Tumor Invasion,” CBD’s were found to curb the growth and formation of blood vessels that supply cancer cells with nutrients, in a condition known as angiogenesis. CBD was also noted to slow down tumor metastasis and the spread of cancer throughout the body. Research published the same year noted the efficiency with which nervous system glioma cells were prevented from growing into something more ominous, thanks to the use of CBD.
Where does the research take us and where do we go from here?
With all of these promising advancements in medicine, as well as the treatment of neuropathic pain in patients with HIV, glaucoma, and mood disorders, it appears to be quite curious as to why every doctor capable of prescribing CBD oil, is not.
As a substance that has been around for centuries to treat people well before the Federal Drug Administration and synthetic cannabis existed, it is nothing short of amazing that marijuana, CBD, and THC are being actively researched so as to improve their therapeutic capabilities. And particularly at a time in which Americans and citizens of the world are suffering, dying, because of their addictions and the mental and physical pain that have lead them down the cavernous rabbit’s hole, is not now the time to advocate for the use of CBD in all its forms?
CBD is not an addictive drugs. Short of vaping more CBD oil than you would ever need or want, the ability to get high or addicted to CBD does not exist. With a cheaper method of treatment that is both curative and palliative, especially in the face of the preying lioness that is cocaine, methamphetamines, and oxycodone, not pursuing CBD as a treatment option, seems ludicrous as best.
While it is this author’s fervent hope and prayer that you never need to so much as consider using anything to treat a terminal or long standing condition, I surely hope you pursue CBD oil as a viable treatment option if needed.
*** Disclaimer: this is an opinion post, so all content published here, is on the sole responsibility of the author. ***