CBD Featured Health Pain

How Can CBD Help Pain?

Written by Julie Godard

Cannabidiol, as you may know, is an extract of the medical cannabis plant proven to have pain-relieving properties in many medical and scientific studies

While the studies are ongoing, the cannabis plant in general has pain-relieving properties. With the new wave of cannabis entrepreneurs and medications sweeping the globe, CBD Testers wants to give you some more information about how CBD can help your chronic or severe pain. Read on!

How Does CBD Relieve Pain?

First of all, CBD does not have the same side effects as recreational cannabis — meaning it doesn’t have the psychoactive or “high” that comes along with it. CBD is extracted from medical cannabis plants and made into an oil that can be taken through the mouth. CBD interacts with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system (ECS), and system in all human bodies that communicates with CBD to relieve pain. The best thing about CBD is that it is non-addictive, and has hardly any side effects.

How Can I Try CBD for My Pain?

In some places, medical cannabis and recreational cannabis are illegal, but you can try CBD through our CBD Testers Program at no cost. Our goal is to help patients like you find out which types of CBD products work best for their pain, and then report that information to other patients just like you. While you may already be on pain medications for your severe symptoms, trying out CBD can’t hurt. Talk to your doctor about it just ot be safe. Take a look at this article by N.A. Le Brun about how CBD helped with chronic pain, Asperger’s, C-PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Here’s another from Richard Holt about how using cannabis oil helped him get off prescription painkillers.

What Types of CBD Products are on the Market?

The types of CBD products available to you depend on where you live and what the laws are regarding CBD there. In general, CBD is considered a safe alternative medicine or nutritional supplement, just like herbal supplements. CBD generally comes in an oil or tincture form, and you can put drops under your tongue after speaking with your doctor. In many countries, the following CBD products are available:

  • Infused foods or drinks
  • Vaporizer oils
  • Oral oils
  • Tinctures

Different products work best for different people, so your best bet is to try each type and see which relieves your symptoms the most. Explore a bit on the Internet, join the CBD Testers Program, or just go down to your local pharmacy or talk to your doctor. Relieving your pain shouldn’t cause addiction or nasty side effects — your life is worth more than that.

[Featured Image Credit: Pixabay]

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About the author

Julie Godard