Cannabis CBD Health Pain

Medical Cannabis May Be Effective For Period Pains

Written by Corre Addam

While research is limited, many medical professionals agree that cannabis can be effective in treating chronic pain, and that may include period pains too

The Guardian newspaper in the UK reported yesterday that legislators in New York are currently working on a bill (number A582) which states that, “Medical marijuana can alleviate many of the painful effects of dysmenorrhea.” Adding that, “Not only will this improve women’s wellbeing and productivity during menstruation, but it will advance New York State in one of the country’s fastest-growing industries.”

It’s not all plain sailing though, as Dr Penny Whiting from the University of Bristol, said, according to DailyMail Online, suggesting that in a recent systematic review in Jama that she carried out, no conclusive evidence was found that cannabis can help with period pains.

At the same time, Dr Whiting said that there’s also no evidence cannabis doesn’t work to relieve period pains (by reducing muscle spasms.) She notes that the issue is more to do with a lack of research, due to cannabis being a controlled substance than it is to do with findings from studies.

Many of these studies did indeed find a strong connection between pain relief and medical cannabis, even for women suffering from monthly period cramps.The medical cannabis, in this case, is administered via a tampon and is said to start working within roughly 20 minutes.

Foria, who make the product, claim on their website, that THC helps to block pain, as the CBD in the tampon works within the immune system to reduce inflammation, “Through the use of a suppository theses antispasmodic and pain relieving properties go directly to the area in need of relief.”

While it remains to be seen whether or not medical cannabis tampons are effective for everyone, this is certainly good news for patients who are looking for a natural and holistic way of helping them through disabling monthly period pains.

[Image credit: Pixabay]

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About the author

Corre Addam

Addam spends the lion's share of his day fixated on his computer screen. When he isn't in front of his computer, you'll most likely find him editing or researching his next fascinating article on his smartphone or tablet. When he manages to pull himself away from technology, you'll find him chilling hard somewhere, probably under a tree with an ice-cold Iced-tea, pondering life...