What Do People Think Of Herbalica’s ‘CalmTime’?
“Excellent product,I found it beneficial from the start,I suffer from serious arthritis and spinar bifida occulta,loved the sample and I would definitely buy the product.” – James G, Dec 17
“Previous suffered high anxiety & panic attacks.After a couple of days use feeling alot more calmer with myself able to go out now without the worry of panic attacks.Thank you for giving me this great chance to try this healing plant.” – Heidi T, December 2017
“it has assisted with my anxiety. I have not experienced a single panic attack since i began using the product. – Kirsty F, December 2017
“Fast acting and works right away” – Francine V,December 2017
“I received my sample today I know I may be firing off a bit premature but since I have had three extremely of the best small naps in my life coming from someone with intractable insomnia a nap is something I have not had for so many years” – Martin H, December 2017
CalmTime by ‘Herbalica’, is a proprietary blend of proven plant extracts infused with CBD. A collection of compounds which supports neuro-protection, stress and calm. CalmTime can support and help balance daily anxiety and mood disorders, safely and effectively.
The ‘Herbalica’ brand from the UK is a blended traditional herbal remedy, delicately infused with CBD. In partnership with Seach, fully licensed cannabis facility in Israel, known for its quality products.
Special Bundle Deal
For a limited time only, you can buy CalmTime’s 50ml CBD infused Herbal Remedy and receive a bottle of NightTime’s 10ml CBD Oil absolutely free. What’s more, if you order now, you’ll get free shipping* direct to your door too.
Now that CalmTime has officially been Lab Approved & Customer Approved, we recommend checking out the great January deals they have to offer, starting with our: Buy a 50ml CalmTime CBD bottle and get a 10ml NightTime bottle for Free + FREE SHIPPING
*Free shipping to UK/EU