CBD Oil Reviews

Is Hemp Seed Oil And CBD Oil The Same?

Written by Corre Addam

CBD Oil and Hemp Oil are gaining popularity in the wellness sphere around the world but did you know they aren’t the same thing?

Sure they both apparently have tremendous benefits for health and wellbeing, and can even treat some chronic conditions like pain, but these two cannabis-derived products are way different from each other.

CBD Oil, which is extracted from a healing compound called Cannabidioi inside the cannabis plant, is an almost tasteless and odorless substance, which is taken as a holistic alternative to treat anxiety, chronic pain and even epilepsy, among other medical ailments.

Hemp Oil, or Hemp Seed Oil as it is commonly known, is more of a food supplement, similar in look and smell to Olive oil, but packed full of vitamins, nutrients and the perfect balance of Omega 3’s Vs. Omega 6’s for the human body. So even though Hemp Oil and CBD oil are derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant, they really are totally different in use and manifestation.

To offer a quick 101 on the differences, Hemp Seed Oil is produced by cold pressing cannabis seeds to extract the fatty oil from within them. While this oil is nutritious and healthy, it doesn’t offer any medicinal value or remedy as such. CBD Oil is produced from the flowers and buds of the cannabis plant, and that isolated compound is made into oils, tinctures and even breath sprays.

The other thing to bear in mind is that Hemp Seed Oil is legal across the world, almost without exception, while CBD Oil (which is legal mainly in Europe) is still illegal in some US states and other countries. As a rule of thumb, in Europe for example, Hemp containing up to 0.3% of CBD is legal, as long as the THC content is almost non-existent.

Whilst Hemp Seed Oil is almost always cold-pressed to extract the oil, CBD Oil goes through quite a different process altogether.  CBD Oil comes from CBD-rich cannabis strains, and is usually extracted via CO2 extraction process. CO2 extraction is considered to be the safest and best quality way for extraction, and often comes at a premium.

NOTE: Both CBD Oil and Hemp Seed Oil contain little-to-no THC, the compound in cannabis responsible for the ‘high.’ As such, you need to be aware that we are NOT talking here about Cannabis Oil derivates like ‘Shatter’ which are packed full of THC, and usually have only trace amounts of CBD.

[Image credit- Pixabay]

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1 Comment

  • Very informative. Thank you for explaining the difference between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil. Now I know so I wont get ripped off in the future

About the author

Corre Addam

Addam spends the lion's share of his day fixated on his computer screen. When he isn't in front of his computer, you'll most likely find him editing or researching his next fascinating article on his smartphone or tablet. When he manages to pull himself away from technology, you'll find him chilling hard somewhere, probably under a tree with an ice-cold Iced-tea, pondering life...