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CannaTech Tel Aviv Postponed Due To Coronavirus

Written by Alexandra Hicks

As we predicted in our recent article about European cannabis expos cancelled due to Coronavirus, it seems that industry events around the world are cancelling or postponing due to coronavirus.

The first big cannabis event to be cancelled is Cannatech Tel Aviv, that was posponed to mid June. While this is the first big cannabis event to be cancelled, it is not the last one and in fact, we predict the ALL events will either be cancelled or limited to locals. In the next few days we will see it happening everywhere, so if you plan to attend a conference, you better check the cancellation policy now, as there might be still enough time to get your money back.

In addition for cancelling all international events hapenning in Israel, the Israeli ministry of health have ordered all medical personal to remain in Isreal and avoid flying abroad, so no Israeli doctor can now leave the country, without getting a permission.

Travellers coming from Spain, Germany, Austria, France and Switzerland must be placed under a 14-day home quarantine. Even worse, by Friday, these travellers will find that tgheir entrance to the country is prohibitted, the same as people coming from Italy, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau and China.

The press release below:

TEL AVIV, Israel, March 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — In light of developing circumstances with the COVID-19 coronavirus and based on recommendations from the Israeli Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), CannaTech Tel Aviv and PsyTech Summit are postponed.  PsyTech Summit will take place June 14-15 and CannaTech, June 15-16, 2020.

Saul Kaye, CEO of iCAN: Israel-Cannabis commented: “Our number one concern is the health and safety of our attendees and speakers, our partners, our colleagues and our vendors. While we are disappointed to postpone both CannaTech Tel Aviv & PsyTech Summit, we are very confident it will be worth the wait.

European Cannabis Events Cancelled Due To Coronavirus. The US Is Next!

“We thank our sponsors and attendees for their understanding and wish all those affected by the virus our very best. We are fully committed to create beautifully crafted events in June that will showcase the brands and solutions that fuel this industry.”

About CannaTech

CannaTech is the only Medical Cannabis event of its kind with a global focus that offers senior industry leaders, medical and scientific experts, and new ventures the platform to come together, drive innovation, form partnerships and promote knowledge exchange.

About PsyTech Summit

PsyTech Summit is the global industry event for innovation in psychedelic medicine. With renewed research interest in LSD, MDMA, Ketamine and psilocybin, and a growing normalization after decades of stigma, psychedelics are quickly becoming the next therapeutic frontier.

Click here to view the original press release:–psytech-summit-postponed-301015876.html

If you have plans to travel to any global cannabis event in the near future, double check that the event is still on schedule and, if not, you can see if any refunds will be issued for your trouble. So far, U.S. events are still going on as planned, but that’s always subject to change should an emergency situation occur.

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About the author

Alexandra Hicks

Managing editor at Cannadelics and U.S based journalist, helping spread the word about the many benefits of using cannabis and psychedelics.