
Use CBD Lubricants to Spice Up Your Next Bedroom Romp

cbd lubricants
Written by Alexandra Hicks

If you thought CBD products end where the bedroom fun begins, then think again. CBD lubricants can spice up your sex life in a safe and natural way.

cbd lubricants

Knob Polish CBD Lubricant from Products by Jack

Before I dive into different types of CBD lubricants, I want to mention that I’m a very picky consumer. When it comes to anything that’ll be going on or in my body, I’ll be checking and researching the ingredients first. That goes for beauty products, food, supplements, and of course, personal sex products as well. I’m definitely not interested in any toxic and irritating chemicals – like glycerin, parabens, propylene glycol, etc. – while I’m trying to enjoy myself in the bedroom. Although the science behind this is lacking, personal experience (from many women out there) says that CBD, being an anti-inflammatory, can help prevent irritation and sex-related discomfort.

And while we’re talking about technicalities here, let’s address one more important note; the myth that if a woman is turned on, lube won’t be necessary. This is simply not true. Doctor Roz Dischiavo, Director of the Institute for Sexuality, offers a perfect explanation for why. “The body might feel stimulation around the genital region, and so the body does what it’s built to do, which is [self-lubricate] to minimize tearing or injury that can occur with penetration.”

cbd lubricant

DailyCBD Lube

On that same note, just because a woman is dry that doesn’t mean she’s not aroused and there’s a number of reasons she might want to use lubricant. Not to mention that the anus is not self-lubricating, so good lube is a necessity when going that route. Plus, if you like to use toys, lube usually makes for a more pleasant experience there too.

Now that that’s all out of the way, lets take a look at products. I’ve narrowed it down to a couple that really get the job done. My criteria? First and foremost, like I mentioned above, is good and non-irritating ingredients. There are quite a few quality CBD lubricants on the market these days but most of them are coconut oil based. This isn’t really ideal for two reasons. First, coconut oil can change a woman’s pH balance and cause yeast infections. Second, it’s not compatible with latex.

cbd lubricants

Sweet Love Flavored CBD Lube from Felix & Ambrosia

That being said, my personal favorites are Knob Polish from Products by Jack (gotta love that that name too), DailyCBD Lubricant, and Sweet Love Flavored CBD Lube from Felix & Ambrosia. Sweet Love has some pretty awesome flavors like Cock-A-Lot Berry (Chocolate Strawberry), Not A Virgin (Piña Colada), and Humpkin Spice (Pumpkin). There’s 5 total and one seasonal! None of these use any irritating ingredients or coconut oil, they last long but don’t feel gummy or sticky, and they just make everything much more comfortable and enjoyable.

Have you ever used CBD lubricants? If you’d like to give them a spin, subscribe to our cbd deals newsletter

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About the author

Alexandra Hicks

Managing editor at Cannadelics and U.S based journalist, helping spread the word about the many benefits of using cannabis and psychedelics.