CBD Opinion THC

What’s The Future Of Single Cannabinoid Molecule Extracts?

cbd weed
Written by Joe Powers

How Are Corporations racing To Gain Control Over The Future Of Single Cannabinoid Molecule Extracts?

Quickly approaching is a future of single cannabinoid molecule extracts. GW Research LTDhas firmly positioned itself as a global cannabinoid extracts leader. A leader because of their remarkable 29 clinical trials progressing through the FDA approval pipeline. They’re targeting single cannabinoid molecules including THC, THCV, CBD, CBDV and more. The mysterious “more,” they will eventually be surprising us with, are the two drugs named GWP42003 & GWP42002. In the spotlight now, is their headliner called Epidiolex(cannabidiol), which will be targeting early onset epilepsy.

With The CBD Race In Full Swing, Who Are The “Other” Giant Corporations Racing To Snag Up All The Single Cannabinoid Molecule Patents?

Two other future giants of single cannabinoid molecule extracts are Marinol and Cesamet. Inventors of Marinol, a schedule III synthetic “man-made” (THC), began its research in the 1970’s. Marinol currently has 12 active clinical trials. And is conducting more than half of its research at Yale University. They’ve been establishing themselves to control the future of single cannabinoid molecule extracts for close to 50 years. In this time, they’ve completed clinical trials involving advanced cancer, HIV Infection, cramps, multiple sclerosis and over 100 more.

Cesamet has listed 23 clinical trials and they’re currently targeting PTSD, chronic pain, fibromyalgia and more. A schedule II drug to help with nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. As we look at the clinical trials, we notice they’re recruiting for five studies and have completed 13 clinical trials. Future uses of Cesamet will be useful for postoperative nausea & vomiting, spasticity in spinal cord injuries, phantom limb pain, and much more.

With Giants “Looming” Over The Future Of Single Cannabinoid Molecule Extracts, We Question

  • Besides THC & CBD, what other single cannabinoids are available or on the way to market?
  • What other non-giant-corporations are responsible for the future of single cannabinoid molecule extracts?

Otsuka and GW Pharma are collaborating in a clinical trial to relieve persistent pain for advanced cancer. What makes a company like Otsuka unique the ownership of US 20130059018. This patent states “some” cannabinoids may be able to stop cancer from dividing and die. Shrinking cancerous tumors by shutting down the growth of new blood vessels, among other complex mechanisms (apoptosis) described in the patent above.

What Other “Non-Giant” Corporations Are Responsible For The Future Of Single Cannabinoid Molecule Extracts?

With THC and CBD dominating public consciousness, we forget cannabis has 100+ “OTHER” cannabinoids. Pinehaven Farm and Treat Well Health have products containing THCA and CBDA (Cannabidiolic Acid). The team at Treat Well Health is also isolating CBG (Cannabigerol) and THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin) for future use. Another company,  Entourage, has an isolated CBN (cannabinol) to help with sleep aid.

Another not so well known company, Axim Biotech, has decided to solve a synthetic cannabinoid problem. The problem is synthetic THC (Marinol) is ineffective and their solution is to transform it into a chewing gum. According to Axim, 40% of the patients stop using Marinol because of the awful side effect. By turning it into a chewing gum, the THC gets released into the blood stream, bypasses the liver, and avoids long term side effects. Axim’s product-timeline shows three products in clinical trials and 13 in pre-clinical trials.

As synthetic cannabinoids race to prominence and dominance, us truth seekers realize effective solutions are already here. A solution comes in the form of whole plant cannabinoid extracts RICH in CBD. The future of “single” cannabinoid molecule extracts are not as safe as whole plant cannabinoid extracts. Single isolated cannabinoids are inferior to whole plant extracts because of the entourage effect and many other reasons. Synthetic cannabinoids are more dangerous and less effective. For as low as $4.95 you get safe high-quality CBD minus the dangerous synthetic side effects.

[Image credit- Flickr]

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About the author

Joe Powers