CBD Health

British CBD Use Doubles In Just One Year

CBD E-Liquids
Written by Corre Addam

In shocking new statistics published recently in the press, CBD in the UK has doubled in the past year, with more and more people shunning their doctor’s prescriptions, in favor of the natural and holistic benefits of this cannabis compound…

The statistics, which come from the Cannabis Trades Association UK, confirm that in 2016 there were approximately 125,000 CBD users in Great Britain, with the number closer to 250,000 in 2017. That means an average of 1000 new CBD users a month, and that’s an unprecedented number.

British tabloid press reported recently that people seem to be looking for relief for their back pain, anxiety issues and insomnia, as well as a host of other issues, and want that remedy to be natural and non-addictive, carrying no nasty side effects.

Mike Harlington, chairman of the CTAUK, also told reporters another interesting statistic, being that women comprise roughly 65 precent of CBD users in the UK, for reasons unknown. According to Harlington, “We’ve known about the endocannabinoid system for 40 years or so, but it has been ignored to a greater or lesser degree. In a lot of cases, as soon as you mention “cannabis” the stigma is obvious.”

Harlington explained, “Every mammal has an endocannabinoid system and is therefore designed to use cannabinoids naturally. Cannabinoid deficiencies are starting to become understood by the medical world, and it is slowly becoming obvious that cannabinoids like CBD are actually essential for general health and wellbeing.”

What’s interesting for some is that this doubling of CBD users didn’t come from some legislative change in Parliament, as cannabis remains illegal in the UK to date. However, the fact that CBD is sort of legal, as it is in many other EU countries, means that people have access to it from health food stores, and online. The reason for the new trend? no one really knows, and that makes it all the more interesting.

With CBD at the forefront of the holistic health industry, with products ranging from CBD drops to vape liquid additives, and even beauty creams and lip balms, it seems that all the good press surrounding this mystery medicine has made it a “top shelf” item. And that bodes well for all those patients wanting to treat their condition naturally.

[Image credit- Wikimedia.Commons]

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About the author

Corre Addam

Addam spends the lion's share of his day fixated on his computer screen. When he isn't in front of his computer, you'll most likely find him editing or researching his next fascinating article on his smartphone or tablet. When he manages to pull himself away from technology, you'll find him chilling hard somewhere, probably under a tree with an ice-cold Iced-tea, pondering life...