Business CBD Culture Featured

CBD Flowers: The Next Great Cannabis Discovery?

Written by Corre Addam

With all the hype around surrounding CBD at the moment, it’s no wonder that manufacturers are looking for ever more innovative and original ways to sell their products

First it was CBD Oil, then tinctures, and even CBD for pets. But now there’s a new kid on the block, and it might remind you of its big sister, Mary Jane. High-CBD hemp flowers are actually real cannabis Sativa, however, these varieties contain little-to-no THC, the heady compound in cannabis, and is therefore 100% legal in most countries of the EU, as long as it is from one of the 57 approved strains of hemp.

By sticking to the right protocols, EU-based growers are able to utilize advanced plant-growing techniques and selectively-bred genetics. As such, CBD buds look and even smell a lot like normal cannabis. CBD flowers, or Hemp buds as they are known, don’t get you high, or make your eyes red, but many users report a feeling of well being and calm from them. They are also considered to be anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic and anti-nausea.

Lemon Skunk hemp flower (EU strain) – HempElf

In the UK, the number of people reportedly using CBD Oil has doubled in the last year, with a new demand for CBD-rich buds and flowers. For that matter, many people are using CBD instead of THC-heavy buds for the medicinal effects, and not to get high. That fact jives well with England’s current Conservative government, who want to reduce the amount of high grade THC cannabis on the streets. While the legality of smoking CBD buds in the UK is currently questioned by the CTA (UK’s Cannabis Trade Association, a private organization supported by some of the main hemp suppliers, trying to make a ‘Cannabis Directive’), the sales of CBD buds is growing, fast. Other countries in the EU, led by Italy and Switzerland, have already established a successful hemp flowers industry, and the phenomena is spreading like wildfire.

One of the main uses for CBD buds are to reduce anxiety and depression. Anyone who suffers from an anxiety disorder will tell you how hard life can be. The constant worry about the unknown can take its toll on the quality of a person’s life. CBD has helped thousands of people to deal with anxiety, by dampening the stress response and regulating hormone release in the body.

While it still remains to be seen how the tide will turn in the UK specifically, there’s little doubt that CBD buds will be in demand across Europe and North America too. Always ensure your CBD oils or flowers are verified by a reputable source, so you can feel confident that you are getting the very best quality product.

If you like to learn more about CBD flowers, you should subscribe to our Recreational CBD Digest, and get a weekly update on the top recreational products available for you to sell.

(Image credit: HempElf)

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About the author

Corre Addam

Addam spends the lion's share of his day fixated on his computer screen. When he isn't in front of his computer, you'll most likely find him editing or researching his next fascinating article on his smartphone or tablet. When he manages to pull himself away from technology, you'll find him chilling hard somewhere, probably under a tree with an ice-cold Iced-tea, pondering life...