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The CBD Business Weekly Review: Vaping-Related Hospitalizations, Cannabis Situation in Mexico, Arizona Recreational Bill, and more

Written by Alexandra Hicks

Welcome to this week’s edition of the CBD Business Weekly Review and Newsletter.

This week we’re starting with some important developments in the U.S. where vaping-related injuries have left dozen hospitalized. Also, Mexico is expected to soon iron out the details of the medical and recreational programs. And Arizona is looking in the direction of legalization. Read on for more exciting news!

FEATURED STORY: Midwest Doctors Puzzled Over 22 Vaping-Related Hospital Admissions

vaping hospital

Nearly two dozen patients are in the hospital in three Midwestern state, suffering from severe breathing issues. Their condition is believed to be connected to vaping E-cigarettes. For now, it’s unclear which devices the patients used and the E-liquid they vaped. 

As Dr. Emily Chapman, chief medical officer for Children’s Minnesota, explained to reporters, “We know there are certain characteristics in common with these cases, but we have not been able to get to the bottom of exactly what aspect of the vaping habit or product or solvent or oil is causing the injury.”

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Must Read Articles: 

Mexico’s Health Ministry Ordered To Clarify Medical And Recreational Cannabis Status

mexico cannabis

The issue of legalizing cannabis in Mexico has been a hot topic, debated for years. Having endured numerous iterations, the country seems a finally little closer to making medical cannabis available for patients who want it. 

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Visit Tel Aviv for the CannX Conference Next Month


The 4th international CannX conference – which aims to bring people in the industry together to learn and gain a deeper understanding of all the complex caveats surrounding the cannabis industry – will be taking place in Israel from September 9th to 10th at the Tel Aviv Convention Center. 

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Recreational Cannabis Bill Could Hit Arizona Polls In 2020

arizona cannabis

Back in 2016, Arizona tried to legalize recreational cannabis. That effort failed but only by a small margin. A new campaign to legalize cannabis has its sights firmly set on 2020, but how will citizens in the Grand Canyon State vote?

Click here to read the full story 

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About the author

Alexandra Hicks

Managing editor at Cannadelics and U.S based journalist, helping spread the word about the many benefits of using cannabis and psychedelics.