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The Positive Effects of CBD on Insulin and Metabolism

Written by James Harper

Diabetes can strike at any phase of your life and can spike up your blood sugar levels. It is a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar. Glucose level rises when the body is unable to generate insulin Type -1 or is not able to use insulin properly (type 2).

It has been reported that 5-10% of diabetic patients have type 1 diabetes and about  90% suffer from type -2 diabetes. Also, diabetes affects about 80,000 children annually.

There are several risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes such as obesity, high-sugar diet combined with inactivity, family history, ethnicity and age (people over 45 are more likely to develop diabetes).

Diabetes affects many areas of the body, and various life-threatening symptoms are associated with it such as heart disease, nerve damage, stroke, kidney disease and vision problems.

These days diabetic patients have access to the medicines which along with the appropriate diet help them in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Type 1 diabetics will be prescribed insulin in the form of shots or pump.

Also, type 2 patient are prescribed a pharmaceutical drug like Metformin or Avandia for regulating glucose levels. As these treatments are quite expensive and not 100% effective, so the masses are opting for an alternative option like CBD oil.

CBD for diabetes

Endocannabinoid system plays a vital role in diabetes. It has been found that type -2 diabetes have more high levels of endocannabinoids (AEA & 2-AG) than healthy people.

The 2005 research paper from the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC) lists various benefits of CBD and cannabis on people with diabetes which includes:

  • Stabilizing blood sugars
  • Arterial anti-inflammatory properties
  • “Neuroprotective” effects that help prevent inflammation of nerves and reduce the pain of neuropathy
  • “Anti-spasmodic agents” help relieve muscle cramps and the pain of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders
  • Acting as a “vasodilator” to help keep blood vessels open and improve circulation
  • Lowering blood pressure — which is vital for diabetics
  • Helping calm diabetic “restless leg syndrome” (RLS)

Dr. Allan Frankel, an M.D. with Greenbridge Medical, wrote on OCCNewspaper recently about the his experience of treating his patient with CBD oil and concluded that CBD could help in the treatment of the disease and management of diabetes-related symptoms such as inflammation and joint pain.

What is the role of CBD in diabetes?

Endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid receptors are found in the brain, organs, glands, connective tissues and immune cells. They regulate homeostasis, which is the tendency of the organisms to auto-regulate and maintain their internal environment. NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) and other groups believe that CBD aids in homeostasis and heals the physiological system.

One of the factors that is associated with Type 2 diabetes is chronic inflammation related to obesity. The presence of excessive fatty tissue in obese type 2 diabetics disrupts the glucose metabolism hence, increases levels of sugar in the bloodstream. CBD due to its anti-inflammatory properties combat glucose metabolic disorders and improves the metabolism.

Another disturbing condition which is associated with diabetes is nerve damage. In severe cases, amputation of legs can also occur. This mainly occurs due to the insufficient blood flow which results in tissue breakdown and hence causes infection. This is where CBD comes into action, CBD is a federally patented neuroprotector and has been found to reduce infarcts up to 30 %.

Diabetic Retinopathy :

People struggling with diabetes for a long time often have acquired diabetic retinopathy. It is a condition where the cells in the retina become damaged over the period. In this blood-retinal barrier breaks, hence it is not able to protect the retinal tissue. Also, this increases the chances of retinal bleeding.

Five-year study, 2013 which was published in American Journal of Medicine found that cannabis helps in lowering the blood sugar levels.  CBD is also found helpful in combating inflammation, reduces neurotoxicity and oxidative stress.

Diabetic Nephropathy:

It mainly occurs due to expanding and thickening of glomerular membrane and glomerular sclerosis. CBD has been found CBD, and other cannabinoids regulate oxidative stress in the kidneys and hence protects them.

It’s time to try CBD oil with the help of a cannabis specialist to combat diabetes, but remember that you have a medical marijuana card so that you don’t face any repercussions.

*** This is a guest post, not approved or authorized by other than the writer himself ***

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About the author

James Harper

James Harper was born and raised in California. He loves reading books and blogs. The reading habit generates many ideas in his mind and he started writing. He started his own blogs and soon become a famous Blogger. Visit the blog at Medical Marijuana Orange County  for more information and how to get your MMJ card.