Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow just published four CBD cocktail recipes to her ‘Goop’ blog, and told fans it’s good for them…
With all the hype around these days, surrounding CBD, it was only a matter of time before celebrities weighed in, and Paltrow clearly wanted to be among the first. She shared a number of great CBD cocktail recipes with her followers, calling the CBD drinks names like, Up in Smoke, Gin & Chronic and Cannabis Cup.
In Gwyneth’s own words: “Depending on where you live and what the laws are (they’re about to become even more relaxed here in Los Angeles), it seems like just about everyone is experimenting with cannabidoil (also known as CBD) oils and tinctures.Devotees swear it helps with everything from sleep and stress… and have started mixing it into smoothies, lattes, and—at certain restaurants and pop-ups around town—cocktails.”
The Hollywood star spoke about who she considers to be the inventor of CBD cocktails, Maxwell Reis, “Maxwell Reis was one of the first people we know to incorporate CBD into cocktails, and he… has developed insanely delicious cocktails just for us,” she said.
For her part, Paltrow also speaks regularly on her blog about her beloved CBD vape pen, and she even offers advice to new patients on how to use it properly.
Will 2018 be the year when CBD is made fully legal across as States of America and Europe? The answer to that remains to be seen.
[Image credit- Pixabay]