Everyone loves decorating for the holidays and getting in the spirit. This year, these marijuana and mushroom Christmas decorations, can help make it an extra festive experience.

It’s Christmas time – let’s decorate!

One of the most ubiquitous sites across the US, and in many other parts of the world, this time of year, is a Christmas tree. Some are adorned with tinsel, some will shiny bobbing balls, some with kindergarten noodle art, and some with other knick-knacks collected in life. Some trees have all of these; and many have a star standing at the top. And this is just inside.

Windows and doorways are often decorated with white or colored lights (both big and small), going around the perimeter. There are bales of holly hanging, and wreaths of mistletoe above doorways. Yards display big Santa cutouts, often with reindeer in tow; nativity scenes; shining stars; and smiling angels. Sometimes over an entire property.

As long as it can be imagined, it can be a part of someone’s personal Christmas yardwork. In the US, it’s a customary activity to drive around a neighborhood and look at everyone’s Christmas decorations. Even those of other religions, or who aren’t into decorating themselves; often like to see the creativeness and handiwork of their neighbors. It can even get a little competitive.

Christmas decorations

In fact, whereas its standard tradition to start putting up Christmas decorations right after Thanksgiving; some people just can’t wait, and jump the gun. It’s also not surprising to see these decorations up past Christmas; and sometimes, even long past New Year’s. Some, (especially those willing to pay the electric bill) show off their Christmas pizzazz, for over a month of time.

Christmas marijuana decorations

When it comes to Christmas, and both marijuana and mushrooms; there’s a lot of history and folklore that attach them together. It’s possible our entire concept of Santa, Christmas trees, and flying reindeer, are linked to Amanita mushrooms. These hail from Siberia and Northern Europe; although this is not to say that such history and folklore are direct, or account for everything; or that other cultural adaptations from other places are not included.

This year, if you’re the kind of stoner who wants your love of weed (and/or mushrooms) and your love of Christmas to intertwine; we have a few decorating ideas that will help to make this season, even more merry and festive.

First off, check out Treebuddees, which offers an adorable and hysterical stoner Santa ornament, complete with bloodshot eyes and a big sack of weed. For $14.95, you can hang your very own stoned Santa from your tree. Cafepress also offers tons of ornaments with funny sayings, and cute weed-inspired pictures. Regardless of your specific tastes, there’s something for everyone, check it out.

If you’re more into decorating yourself, then Redbubble has a shirt for you. From weed Christmas trees, to Christmas tree joints; this company offers tons of kitschy tee-shirts perfect for a stoner holiday. The company even goes a step further, with bedspreads, tapestries, sweatshirts, and more. If you want to be your own decoration this year, look no further.

If you like the idea of being your own Christmas ornament, but don’t like standard products; Spoonflower can provide you with the weed-centric Christmas material needed to make a range of marijuana-themed decorations. You can make clothing, blankets, tablecloths, or anything else fabric-related that’s imaginable. So if you want to make your own stoner Santa Christmas shirts, or sew together the perfect tapestry of snow-covered cannabis leaves in red and green; you can buy whatever you need by the centimeter or meter, here.

Make marijuana Christmas decorations with the right fabric

Christmas mushroom decorations

When it comes to mushrooms, there are a lot of ways to intertwine love for fungi, and the general Christmas spirit. One of the best ways, is in using these fungi, to decorate your tree. With Hereafter’s customizable Mushroom Folk Art Ornament, you can not only hang an Amanita mushroom ornament on your tree, but you can personalize it with a message.

The ornaments are made of sustainable wood, with the message laser cut into the design. Each one reaches four inches in diameter. For $18 you can have a unique decoration etched with your very own words, to create a beautiful and one-of-a-kind decoration.

If the idea of mushrooms hanging from the tree is ideal, but something shinier is desired, check out Johnderian’s collection of Mushroom & Gnome Ornaments. Starting at $16, and going up depending on design; these mushroom decorations vary in size and material; but all create a beautiful marriage between mushrooms and the Christmas experience. All of these mushrooms are handmade by a team of artisans including John Derian himself.

Maybe you’re not into buying stuff though. Maybe you’re the type that likes to take the knick-knacks around, and create something with them. Well, for the crafty among us, there are some other options. Like simply making mushroom replicas to adorn your house. This guide shows how easy it is to turn a glass and a bowl, into a unique mushroom decoration. Chances are, you’ve got tons of stuff in your house for mushroom making.

For those into this idea of DIY, but want to go a bit further, this guide shows you how to make mushroom ornaments using fabric, needle and thread, embroidery floss, and stuffing. This does require a sewing machine or hand sewing, keep that in mind. However, with just a few small cuts to fabric, and a quick stitch job, you can have your own hand-made mushrooms to hang off your tree.

More holiday guides

What are some other ways to improve the holiday season? We’ve got plenty for you to get into beyond decorations for a marijuana heavy Christmas. For one, check out this guide for the best cannabis-related gifts to buy your loved ones this year. If you want to buy that perfect gift for your stoner friends or family, this guide will help with some ideas to point you in the right direction. We also put together a list of the best stoner movies to put on this year with loved ones (or alone), to celebrate the holiday.

Christmas hot chocolate

What about Christmas cooking? Our recent guide for how to make a scrumptious and titillating marijuana hot chocolate specifically for Christmas, will keep you warm inside and out in freezing temperatures. And this article on making magic mushroom Christmas cookies; can help you find recipes for the ultimate psychedelic edibles to enjoy during Christmas season. If that’s a bit too much for your party this year, we’ve also got some recipes for delicious marijuana-infused cookies, great for any (adult) together.

And finally, for those on a new or different path (for whatever reason), we also have a guide for navigating the holiday season sober. It might not be how we like to think about Christmas, but there are realities in life, and one is that some of us must remain sober. But that doesn’t mean the holiday can’t be enjoyed, and we have some tips to get you through, even without a glass of eggnog in your hand. Especially for those in recovery, or trying to make a big change in life; we support a safe and healthy holiday, whether with, or without, alcohol.


Christmas is nearly upon us, and we’ve got a lot of last-minute ideas for decorations to help maximize your Christmas, and overall holiday, experience. We here at Canndelics wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, and Happy Whatever-Else-You-Celebrate-In-Life.

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About the author

Sarah Friedman

I look stuff up and and write stuff down, in order to make sense of the world around. And I travel a lot too.

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