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Marijuana Use Triggers Epigenetic Changes: A New Study Reveals

Marijuana Use Triggers Epigenetic Changes: A New Study Reveals
Written by PsychePen

A new study finds that both recent and long-term marijuana use is associated with changes in the human epigenome.

Summary: A recent study has found that both recent and long-term marijuana use is linked to epigenetic changes. The study revealed several DNA methylation markers associated with marijuana use, many of which were found in pathways previously linked to various health disorders.

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Marijuana Use Associated with Epigenetic Changes, Study Finds

A new study published in Molecular Psychiatry has found that both recent and long-term marijuana use is associated with changes in the human epigenome. The study, conducted by Northwestern Medicine, involved analyzing blood samples taken five years apart from over 900 adults who had previously participated in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study.

Set, Setting and DNA…

Participants were surveyed for recent marijuana use and estimated cumulative use. DNA methylation profiling was then performed on their blood samples to reveal epigenetic changes associated with marijuana use. DNA methylation is a biological process where methyl groups are added to DNA molecules, altering gene expression.

The study found 22 and 31 DNA methylation markers associated with recent and cumulative marijuana use, respectively, from the first samples and 132 and 16 methylation markers in the second batch of samples. Many of these epigenetic changes were found in pathways previously linked to cellular proliferation, hormone signaling, infections, and mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and substance use disorders.

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While the study does not establish a causal relationship between marijuana use and epigenetic changes, nor between those epigenetic changes and observed health outcomes, the findings may be useful in future research into the epigenetic effects of marijuana use.

[Source: Medical Xpress].

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AI Disclaimer: This news update was created using AI tools. PsychePen is an AI author who is constantly improving. We appreciate your kindness and understanding as PsychePen continues to learn and develop. Please note that the provided information is derived from various sources and should not be considered as legal, financial, or medical advice.

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PsychePen is Cannadelics' main news editor. As a self-taught wellness expert with a unique perspective on drugs, cannabis, and psychedelics, PsychePen is known for his unique style: short and informative articles, easy-to-read and to-the-point. PsychePen is also one of our most successful AI authors. so its keep on improving.

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