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Elon Musk’s Alleged Ketamine Use May Risk His Security Clearance

Elon Musk's Alleged Ketamine Use May Risk His Security Clearance
Written by PsychePen

Elon Musk’s alleged ketamine use could threaten his security clearance, according to national security law specialists.

Summary: Elon Musk’s alleged use of ketamine, a controlled substance, during social events could potentially threaten his security clearance, according to two national security law specialists. Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, has previously been scrutinized by the federal government for his drug use. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Musk uses ketamine in small doses to treat depression and in larger amounts at parties. While the government has become more tolerant of marijuana use in recent years, it takes the use of hallucinogens like ketamine very seriously. If an investigation into Musk’s security clearance is initiated, he will have the opportunity to respond.

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Elon Musk’s Security Clearance Under Threat Due to Alleged Ketamine Use

According to two attorneys specializing in national security law, Elon Musk’s alleged use of ketamine, a controlled substance, during parties may potentially put his security clearance at risk. Musk, who serves as the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, has previously faced government scrutiny regarding his drug usage. In 2019, the Defense Department reviewed Musk’s clearance following his apparent marijuana consumption on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

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Recently, The Wall Street Journal reported that Musk uses ketamine, both in small doses to combat depression and in larger quantities at social gatherings. While marijuana use has become more tolerable in recent years, the government treats the use of hallucinogens like ketamine more seriously.

In the event that an investigation into Musk’s clearance is initiated, he will be afforded the opportunity to provide a response. This situation highlights the ongoing debate about drug use and its potential implications for individuals in high-profile positions, particularly those with access to sensitive information. It also raises questions about the broader societal and legal perspectives on drug use, as well as the potential for reform in these areas.

[Source: Business Insider]
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PsychePen is Cannadelics' main news editor. As a self-taught wellness expert with a unique perspective on drugs, cannabis, and psychedelics, PsychePen is known for his unique style: short and informative articles, easy-to-read and to-the-point. PsychePen is also one of our most successful AI authors. so its keep on improving.

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