Business Featured Press Release

Important Changes to Federal Hemp CBD Regulations

Written by Alexandra Hicks

CBD Business WeeklyIt’s been brought our attention today that people/business in the CBD industry have been receiving an email from American Shaman, detailing some changes to the federal enforcement of hemp CBD regulation.

As stated in the letter, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced legislation that would require the FDA to make some major changes in the way they enforce CBD and Hemp regulations, thus falling more in line with the updated Farm Bill and rescheduling of hemp.

Just read for yourself:

This morning, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – after consulting closely with the US Hemp Roundtable — has introduced legislation that would require the FDA to issue formal “enforcement discretion” on the sale of hemp CBD products.

This is a Big Frickin’ Deal. And we need your help to get this passed.

As discussed more fully last week, a primary policy challenge facing the hemp CBD industry has been FDA’s guidance that it is illegal for CBD to be introduced into interstate commerce as a food additive or dietary supplement. While the FDA has announced that it will unveil its timetable to take action toward full legalization this fall, it could be many months before they issue a formal regulation.

Today, the US Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture will “mark up” language submitted by Senator McConnell that would require the FDA to formally stand down on any enforcement of its troublesome anti-CBD guidance. Specifically, the language (linked here) would require FDA to:

  • Within 90 days, provide Congress a report outlining its efforts to develop an enforcement discretion policy on hemp CBD;
  • Within 120 days, issue its formal enforcement discretion policy on hemp CBD;
  • Keep the enforcement discretion policy in effect until the agency has implemented its final regulatory process; and
  • Ensure that going forward, CBD manufacturers would be able share safety data through existing FDA notification procedures to be fully compliant with federal law and policy.

In the short run, the McConnell language would help lift the current regulatory cloud that’s been discouraging financial institutions to work with CBD companies, and that’s encouraged some local government officials to suggest that CBD is illegal in their state. In the long run, it would set forward a fair and expeditious path for hemp CBD products to be formally recognized as safe and legal as a matter of federal law.

The bill will be marked up by the full Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday, and could go to the full Senate soon.

That’s why we need you TODAY to email your US Senators to encourage them to support McConnell’s language requiring FDA to stand down on hemp CBD.

Please use our online portal to email your Senator today to support the McConnell plan. And while you are there, please encourage your Representative to sign onto the Pingree/Comer letter to the FDA discussed here last week.


Vince Sanders

Founder & CEO CBD American Shaman”

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About the author

Alexandra Hicks

Managing editor at Cannadelics and U.S based journalist, helping spread the word about the many benefits of using cannabis and psychedelics.

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