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The Medical Cannabis Weekly Review: Cannabis while Pregnant or Nursing, Cannabis for Autism, Synthetic Cannabinoid Risks, and more

Medical Cannabis Weekly Reviews
Written by Alexandra Hicks

So, is CBD the greatest medicinal product on Earth or a misunderstood compound that’s bad for the body? The science can be conflicting, so we’ll let you decide. 

This week we’re taking a detailed look at the use of cannabinoids during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. We’re also discussing the liver-related risks associated with high doses of CBD, as well as a new study that indicates CBD can be effective for treating autism symptoms. All that and more in this week’s Medical Cannabis Weekly Review and Newsletter. 

A complete look at cannabis and CBD use while pregnant or breastfeeding

pregnancy breastfeeding

When it comes to pregnancy and breastfeeding, it can be particularly difficult to get a straight answer on the safety of cannabis and CBD use. Medical providers are wary about discussing it with their patients for fear of losing their medical licenses, and patients don’t want to bring it up and risk facing judgement or legal ramifications.

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Cannabinoids 101 – Endocannabinoids vs Phytocannabinoids

endocannabinoids phytocannabinoids

Endocannabinoids are neurotransmitters in our bodies that regulate various physiological functions such as pain management, memory, cognition, mood, immune response, sleep and appetite. Phytocannabinoids are derived from plants, but they imitate the actions of endocannabinoids when consumed.

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Can longterm CBD use damage the liver?

cbd liver

CBD is often touted as a natural medical alternative with minimal side effects. But according to a recently published study, that may not be entirely true. Researchers discovered that CBD can have a profound impact on the liver, but what’s truly interesting about this study is methods they used in their clinical trials.

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Israeli study: Cannabis is an effective treatment for autistic children

Cannabis treatment for Autistic children

New research from Israel reveals that medical cannabis can treat some of the most extreme and frequently occurring symptoms in autistic children. According to the study, 80 percent of teens who participated in the study reported noticeable and significant improvements in multiple different areas of struggle.

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The dangers of synthetic cannabinoids 

synthetic cannabinoids

Parents have a lot to fret over these days. Concerns over drugs, alcohol, vehicle accidents and the like plague the minds of most parents. Now, you can add to that list synthetic cannabinoids, like K2 or spice, which has become a growing issue with it’s ease of availability. Click here to read the full story. 

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About the author

Alexandra Hicks

Managing editor at Cannadelics and U.S based journalist, helping spread the word about the many benefits of using cannabis and psychedelics.