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The Cannabis Business Weekly Review: Novel Food CBD Ruling, Responsible Cannabis Industry, Illinois Legalizes, and more

Cannabis Business Weekly
Written by Alexandra Hicks

Welcome back to the Cannabis Business Weekly Review and Newsletter, where we’ll cover the details of yet another busy week. 

While Illinois took the plunge and legalized recreational cannabis, San Francisco became the first U.S. city to ban the sale of e-cigs. This week also brought more information on the European Union novel food ruling that we reported on a while back, as well as the first U.K. conviction against a CBD flower vendor. Continue reading for all that and more. 

Novel food ruling; a ‘smokescreen for EU regulation’

The European Union’s efforts to classify CBD as a Novel Food ingredient is nothing more than a ‘smokescreen’ for the government to get a tighter hold over the industry. This according to Mike Harlington, Chairman of the Cannabis Trades Association, who has been fighting the ruling for the last 6 months.

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San Francisco becomes the first U.S. City to ban E-cig sales

Yes, you read that right. San Francisco is set to become the first city in the country to ban the sale of all e-cigarette devices as well as flavored tobacco additives. This landmark decision follows multiple problematic events in the vaping industry including bacteria being found in vape cartridges and people reporting seizures shortly after vaping.

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New ethics benchmark attracts support from leading cannabis firms

Some of the largest cannabis companies in the world have registered with a new charter that aims to support the growth of a socially and environmentally responsible cannabis industry. The decision was made last week by the Global Cannabis Partnership (GCP) at the second annual World Cannabis Congress. GCP has an impressive membership list including Canopy Growth, Cronos, and Aphria.

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Illinois official becomes USA’s 11th recreational cannabis state

Just last week, Gov. Pritzker made good on his campaign promise and signed legislation which officially makes Illinois the 11th state in America to legalize cannabis for all adults ages 21 and older. Not only that, but hundreds of thousands of cannabis convictions will be expunged from criminal records.

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First ever criminal conviction for British CBD flower vendor sends shockwaves

As North America continues to expand cannabis-related liberties, it’s an entirely different situation across the pond. In the U.K., owner of the Mushroom Headshop and CBD Botanicals store was arrested and convicted for selling CBD flowers, which are categorized as Class B drugs. The fact that CBD buds have no psychoactive effects seems to have no bearing on local authorities.

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About the author

Alexandra Hicks

Managing editor at Cannadelics and U.S based journalist, helping spread the word about the many benefits of using cannabis and psychedelics.

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