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Recreational CBD Digest – Legal Weed Shops Are Taking Europe By Storm – Newsletter

Califlower Nugs (stash)
Written by Ofer Shoshani

With all the hype around surrounding CBD at the moment, it’s no wonder that manufacturers are looking for ever more innovative and original ways to sell their products. Everywhere in Europe you can see new legal weed (high-CBD hemp flowers) opening everyday, and it’s spreading like wildfire…

But first, a few products:

Califlower CBD Nugs (19.25% CBD)

CaliFlower Nugs (Empire Wellness)

The Califlower CBD Nugs are packed with flavor and, more importantly, CBD. With three different options we offer varying flavors, concentrations, and targeted relief. Now you can share a Nug with your friends and share an experience. Light one up and relax.

The Califlower CBD Nugs comes in 3.5g or 7g bottles, and you can choose between four available strains: Platinum Leaf, Diesel Fire or Hydro.   Buy it now!

KannaSwiss CBD Hash (10% CBD)

KannaSwiss CBD Hash

After CBD Flowers, legal CBD Hash is the most wanted product among our EU reader. With THC<0.2 this product is available wherever CBD is legal. As one of the first to introduce Legal Hash to the world, KannaSwiss hash is a state-of-art recreational CBD product, derived from organic hemp flowers and enriched with terpenes to offer instantly recognizable flavors.

If you live in the EU and didn’t do it yet, then you must try smoking KannaSwiss legal hash today.   Buy it now!

Strawberry Kush Hemp Flower

Strawberry Kush (HempElf)

The Strawberry Kush premium hemp flower is known for its sweet and earthy aroma.
With total CBD of 13% this High-CBD hemp flower is one of the best flowers in the EU.
Flavours: Sweet & earthy.
Trim: Large buds, dense and sticky.
Effect: Uplifting and calming.

Special Sauce Hemp Flower

Special Sauce (Empire Wellness)

Looking for a premium hemp flower?

With over 12% CBD and less than 0.3% THC, Special Sauce is a good high-CBD hemp flower to begin with, especially if you have never tried High-CBD Flowers before.

Buy your Special Sauce hemp flower


Legal Weed Shops Are Taking Europe By Storm

That’s right. Shops selling legal weed are sprouting up all over Europe – but there’s a catch. This legal weed won’t get you high. That’s because it has very low levels of THC – the cannabinoid responsible for the feeling of ‘High’ commonly associated with cannabis use. Read this before opening your own Legal Weed shop.

Understanding Europe’s Laws for Maximum THC Levels in Industrial Hemp

THC, as you may well know, is the compound that is responsible for the mind-altering effects so commonly associated with consuming cannabis. In the U.S., the legal limit for THC in hemp plants is 0.3%. But what about in Europe? Let’s have a look… What is the maximum THC levels in each country?

CBD Flowers: The Next Great Cannabis Discovery?

Space Candy (Empire Wellness)

With all the hype around surrounding CBD at the moment, it’s no wonder that manufacturers are looking for ever more innovative and original ways to sell their products. Other countries in the EU, led by Italy and Switzerland, have already established a successful hemp flowers industry, and the phenomena is spreading like wildfire. Learn more about the new legal weed.

CBD Crystals: Just A Fad Or Worth Taking Note?

CBD Crystal Dabs By Diamond CBD (US)

Most people are familiar with THC crystals or ‘Kief’ as it’s sometimes called, but there’s a younger brother in town now, and his name’s ‘CBD Crystal’. What do you need to know before trying CBD crystals?

Joint and a Beer, or Joint IN Your Beer! CBD Infused Beer Can Change the Way You Drink…and Smoke

Some things just go together. Like peanut butter & jelly, French fries and ketchup, or beer and a joint… So good is the combination, in fact, that one of the growing trends for CBD ingestion, is infusing it into beer and other alcohols. Not a joint with your beer, but a joint IN your beer!


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About the author

Ofer Shoshani

Ofer Shoshani is the Founder and Editor-in-chief of Cannadelics.

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