CBD Hemp Industry Marketing

Whole Foods Has Spoken – Hemp Is Trending For 2019

Whole Foods
Written by Alexandra Hicks

The experts at Whole Foods Market anticipate hemp products – and not just CBD – to be among the top wellness trends of 2019.

In a recent press release, Whole Foods said they relied on what they call “seasoned trend-spotters with over 100 years of combined experience in product sourcing” to gather data from consumer reports, wellness conventions, and internet trends. Using this information, they put together a detailed report of what they expect will be selling like crazy next year.

Whole Foods is diving into the hemp market

Their conclusion? Everything hemp. “Hemp hearts, seeds and oils are nothing new to food and body care lovers — they’re in everything from waffle mix to dried pastas,” the company wrote. “But a new interest in the potential benefits stemming from other parts of hemp plants has many brands looking to explore the booming cannabis biz.”

We’re not just talking about CBD here, but all phytocannabinoids derived from hemp. The trend-spotters mentioned a few products in particular including various supplements containing cannabinoids, a face cream made from hemp stem cells, and organic shelled hemp seeds to snack on. Some of these products are already available for sale on the store’s website and on the shelves at select locations throughout the United States.

And Whole Foods isn’t the only health food grocer of this caliber selling hemp products. Others like Trader Joes, Fresh Thyme, Earth Fare and more are already stocked up on hemp seed bars, hemp oil for salad dressing, hemp hearts, hemp protein powder, and a variety of other items.

All this despite hemp’s confusing legal status in the United States. But thankfully, sunshine is on the horizon in the form of a revised Farm Bill. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell from Kentucky – who happened to draft the provision – announced last month that hemp legalization is guaranteed to be included in the final legislation, which was passed earlier this week.

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About the author

Alexandra Hicks

Managing editor at Cannadelics and U.S based journalist, helping spread the word about the many benefits of using cannabis and psychedelics.

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