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What Is The Most Effective Way To Promote CBD Business?

Written by Corre Addam

When it comes to promoting your CBD Business, you’re better off knowing which type of promotions work, and which do not…

Unless of course you are into losing money for no good reason, which we’re sure you’re not, what are the most effective CBD promotion streams?

Well, let’s start with the ‘Marijuana Business Factbook 2017’, as per an MBD report from a couple of days back. According to those statistics, promoting your cannabis business via word of mouth and social media are the best ways to get your brand out there, and into the minds and psyches of consumers.

Of course one issue that plagues such businesses is the fact that due to CBD’ legal status, many platforms such as Google and Facebook, will not allow certain forms of advertising lest they fall foul of the law. So many companies have had their ads taken down on social media, and online platforms refuse sponsored links due to federal law.

As such, many of the biggest cannabis companies spend a lot of time and money trying to second guess which ads will be approved and which will not. A thankless task, which takes a lot of manpower and drains resources. So what are companies to do with one arm tied behind their back?

The fact that numerous states across America, as well as a number of countries in Europe move to end the prohibition of cannabis, decades-old taboos have very much taken root, and that is a massive challenge in and of itself.

So what options are actually left on the table for CBD companies wanting to advertise and promote their products? Well, cannabis dispensaries can promote their menu items, specials, deals, dispensary events and updates through text message marketing. According to the figures, dispensaries who use text marketing typically see a 5 to 10% increase in foot traffic for each text sent.

Advertising and marketing campaigns can also be done via newspapers and magazines. They are in fact the most frequently used mediums for ancillary and plant-touching companies to effectively spread their message.

The good news is that as of April 2018, CBD Testers is allowing CBD firms from across the world to advertise in our online magazine. By advertising with CBD Testers, your message will be shared with our vast social network, including forums and newsletters. Click HERE to learn more about our advertising opportunities.

Interested in the best CBD marketing solutions?
Wish to Verify Your CBD Product?
Click HERE to learn more about our CBD advertising opportunities.

[Image credit- Pixabay]

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  • Decibel Green – Decibel Green is a Denver based digital marketing, branding and public relations consulting firm specializing in the cannabis and sustainability sectors. For more information visit our website -
    Decibel Green says:

    Love to read your blog. All the info is very interesting and informative to read on. Thanks for sharing best tips for promoting cbd business.

  • Interesting take on the whole CBD thing. I handle the online marketing for and I can tell you it isnt an easy task getting noticed in the huge crowd of CDB products available.

About the author

Corre Addam

Addam spends the lion's share of his day fixated on his computer screen. When he isn't in front of his computer, you'll most likely find him editing or researching his next fascinating article on his smartphone or tablet. When he manages to pull himself away from technology, you'll find him chilling hard somewhere, probably under a tree with an ice-cold Iced-tea, pondering life...

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