Anxiety Cannabis CBD Featured Health Mental Health Wellness

How Can CBD Help Anxiety Disorders?

Written by Julie Godard

Are you among the millions of people suffering from anxiety and depression?

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that $2.5-8.5 trillion USD is lost annually due to mental, neurological, and substance use disorders linked to anxiety disorders. The most prescribed medications for anxiety include heavy-hitters like Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, and Valium, along with psychotherapy and exercise, which also improve anxiety. Dr. Ken Duckworth, M.D., of Harvard Medical School in the United States noted that “There’s no magic in the treatment of anxiety,” meaning that everyone responds differently to treatment. This means that different treatments work better for different people.

Treatments for Anxiety

The side of effects of commonly prescribed medications can turn some people off, and result in addiction or more anxiety in others. There are alternatives out there — and cannabidiol, or CBD is one of them. CBD is produced from the cannabis plant, and is an extract that has no mind-altering effects and has been proven to help with health issues including anxiety disorders.

How Can CBD Help My Anxiety?

In a study conducted in 2017 by universities in Brazil and the United States, a connection was revealed between the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the human body and anxiety. In other words, CBD may naturally help relieve anxiety in some patients and people. As far back as 1993, a study found that CBD was effective at relieving anxiety for public speakers. Check out this video by Candace Lowry, a sufferer of anxiety who tried CBD to help her anxiety for a week. She had positive effects, as did Jenni Miller, a writer for The Cut.

What are the Side Effects of CBD?

One of the best things about CBD versus other anxiety drugs is that there are very few, if any, side effects for the patient or consumer. Some people, however, do experience side effects. They may include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lightheadedness
  • Drowsiness

Now compare this to the side effects of Xanax (also known as Alprazolam):

  • Memory loss
  • Changes in speech patterns
  • Clumsiness or unsteadiness
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Lack of appetite
  • Loss of interest or pleasure
  • Shakiness
  • Slurred speech
  • Abdominal pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Behavior changes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Fainting
  • Fear or nervousness
  • Lack of self-control

Sadly, the list goes on an on. Many patients and consumers prefer fewer, less severe side effects to relieve anxiety symptoms, and don’t want to risk the likelihood of addiction. Can you blame them?

Where Can I Get CBD to Help with My Anxiety?

If you’re interested in trying out CBD for your anxiety symptoms, CBD Testers is an excellent place to start. The company started the CBD Testers Program as a community of people who want to try CBD products and review them to help others and themselves. Check it out, and receive a group-buying discount with others in the community. If you suffer from anxiety, it certainly can’t hurt.

We have asked Dr. Leah Zachar, our medical adviser, for the best delivery system for treating anxiety disorders. This is her answer:

Vaping CBD. Is it the most effective way to deal with anxiety?

When you are having a panic attack, you need help right away, and the fastest way to get the CBD into your system is by vaping. The effects are felt within minutes and the effects last 4-6 hours.

If what you are treating is general anxiety, social anxiety, or PTSD, then CBD oil is best. CBD oil offers you the ability to titrate up or down to the desired effect you are seeking.  The benefits are felt within 10-20 minutes, with the effects last 6-8 hours.

(Dr. Leah Zachar)

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About the author

Julie Godard

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