CBD Featured Health Wellness

CBD Testers Program: No More Guesswork When Choosing CBD

CBD Testers Program
Written by Corre Addam

Patients who suffer from issues like chronic pain and depression don’t want to get hooked on addictive prescription meds. Many do however favor a holistic and natural remedy, which is reasonably priced AND effective. That’s where the CBD Testers Program comes in…

This is where the CBD Testers Program comes in, taking the guesswork out of choosing which specific CBD Oil, cream or tincture is the best one for you; to treat your condition.

The CBD Testers program in-house team cherry pick only the very best quality, pre-approved CBD products from reputable and vetted suppliers, manufacturers and distributors. The team then ascertains the CBD concentration levels within the product, ensuring it is accurate and on-point, and in line with the labelling. As such, members of the CBD Testers Program can rest assured that all products received from the program are tried and tested to the very highest standards.

The CBD Testers Program benefits people in these ways:

•You will have access to the highest quality CBD products (all tried & tested by our QA department), and can identify which specific products work best for you.
•You will have the chance to test a range of different delivery systems (such as CBD capsules, oils, topicals, edibles, suppositories, supplements, etc.).
•If you are new to CBD, you can rest assured that all products from us comply with current CBD regulations and best practices.
•Our in-house doctor and professional team will be on-hand to answer any questions you may have, with the goal of giving you the most effective CBD experience possible.

As a CBD Tester you will be able to try new CBD products and delivery methods, identify the most effective ones for you and get great discounts. Next steps..

1. Complete Your CBD Profile
2. Invitation to test new products
3. Add a rating or review
4. Buy products with a big discount

You can join the CBD Testers Program as a sampler for free today and meet the wonderful world of CBD. Just click on the button below.
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You can join the CBD Testers ‘Ask a doctor’ Group on Facebook, for bi-weekly question and answer sessions with Dr. Leah Zachar. Just click on the button below.
[maxbutton id=”10″] [Image credit- Pixabay]

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About the author

Corre Addam

Addam spends the lion's share of his day fixated on his computer screen. When he isn't in front of his computer, you'll most likely find him editing or researching his next fascinating article on his smartphone or tablet. When he manages to pull himself away from technology, you'll find him chilling hard somewhere, probably under a tree with an ice-cold Iced-tea, pondering life...

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