Featured Health

Ask A Doctor – Dosage, Delivery, CBD Safety – Thursday 4th January – 3pm EST

CBD Testers Ask A Doctor
Written by Corre Addam

CBD has so many benefits but there is still something more we need to know. What dose should you take?

This is just one of many pressing questions Dr Zachar will discuss tomorrow. The following questions will also be addressed:

  • What is the best delivery system?
  • Is CBD safe?
  • Is there a dose that is toxic?
  • What are the side effects?

If you have questions please email them direct to Dr Zachar: leah@cbdtesters.co

Many of you have been asking excellent questions before and after we hold our weekly forum. Due to the lack of time, by popular demand, we are adding another time slot.

Going forward, we’ll hold a question & answer session on Mondays from 1pm – 2pm EST, and a general topic meeting on Thursdays from 3pm – 5pm EST.  All questions emailed to us will be answered at those times.

To join the conversation, and have the chance to ask Dr Zachar your questions directly, please go to the CBD Testers ‘Ask A Doctor’ group on Facebook.

[Image credit: Pixabay]

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About the author

Corre Addam

Addam spends the lion's share of his day fixated on his computer screen. When he isn't in front of his computer, you'll most likely find him editing or researching his next fascinating article on his smartphone or tablet. When he manages to pull himself away from technology, you'll find him chilling hard somewhere, probably under a tree with an ice-cold Iced-tea, pondering life...