CBD Health

Most Influential CBD Trials Carried Out To Date

Most Influential CBD Trials Carried Out To Date
Written by Corre Addam

What CBD clinical trials are currently active and what results are they proving? Are there any other CBD clinical trials currently recruiting?

As CBD (cannabidiol) comes into the light of the public eye, the curiosity of government researchers continues to grow. Through this growth of interest comes with it funding for real science and research into the mysteries of cannabis sativa and specifically, CBD Cannabidiol. We take a closer look at the most Influential CBD trials carried out to date.

How many clinical trials are currently active? Are potential participants able to sign up? Will their clinical trials be recruiting soon? Clinicaltrials.gov does an excellent job of organizing the data and presenting it in an easy to find and understand manner. On this website, you’re able to do advanced searches to locate clinical trials which are actively enrolling (cannabidiol) and will soon be recruiting (cannabidiol). Make sure you do also search for the search term CBD; actively enrolling (CBD) & soon recruiting (CBD). When you search for cannabidiol you’ll on receive 20+ results. While searching for CBD will yield 80+ results.

A few of the upcoming CBD clinical trials include:

Autistic Disorder
Chronic Pain
Infantile Spasms
Lung Cancer
Multiple Sclerosis
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
And several more
As of now, there are 22+ active clinical trials researching the effects of CBD (cannabidiol).

A few of the 22+ conditions currently in active clinical trials are as follows:

Cannabis Use Disorder
Effects Of CBD In Healthy Humans
Epilepsy; Drug Interaction, Pediatric, & Drug Resistant
Opiate Addiction
Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Infantile Spasms
Advanced Parkinson’s Disease
Type 1 Diabetes

What results are they proving? What new information is currently available from new studies?

CUD (Cannabis Use Disorder)

First of all, the active clinical trial for cannabis use disorder started in March 2014. This study wants to investigate a “novel treatment” for those who want to quit cannabis and meet the criteria for moderate use. Stage 1 of the trial is scheduled to wrap up and collected its final data for the primary outcome July 2017. In the first stage, they will identify the MED (Most Effective Dose), by taking an oral CBD, to lower cannabis abuse. Next, in stage 2, they will then decide if the MED in stage 1 is an effective treatment for curing CUD.

Effects Of CBD In Healthy Humans

This particular clinical trial is studying healthy adults between the age of 18 – 55 years of age with 75 participants enrolled. Beginning in 2010 and is estimated to have all their primary data by July 2017. Most noteworthy, participants are injected with active Delta-9-THC (0.035mg/Kg) over a 20-minute time frame. The size of the dose is the same amount of THC you’d receive if you were to smoke about a half to a whole cannabis joint. What will be measured in this study are specific behaviors at time intervals of; 15,80, 240 days. The subjective effects to be studied involve perception alterations and effects of mental processes. Mental functions will be assessed using various visual & analog scales among others.


There are currently three clinical trials researching the effects of CBD and epilepsy.

One clinical trial is investigating CBD with epileptic children between 1 and 18 years. Phase 1 is determining the optimal dose of CBD rich cannabis extract to treat Dravet syndrome, a severe form of epilepsy. High environmental climates and fever are two of the main stimulants triggering episodes. Gathering the primary data will take an initial 20 week and will continue to follow up for another 64 weeks. During this time, they will evaluate adverse effects and document side effects through questionnaires.

Second epilepsy and CBD clinical trials will be investigating the interactions between Clobazam and CBD. With the third and final CBD and epilepsy clinical trial involving CBD and drug resistant epilepsy with children 2 – 19.

Opiate Addiction

As opiate addiction study moves into phase 2, they will be gathering data on effectiveness while continuing to evaluate safety. Research here is focusing on utilizing CBD to modulate the craving for opiates by inhibiting drug-seeking behavior. This clinical trial is necessary because, despite the abundance of alternative therapies available to treat opioid dependency, most patients end up relapsing. The study set to complete in October 2017.

Seizures & Sturge-Weber Syndrome

SWS (Sturge-Weber Syndrome) is a rare neurological and skin disorder. Some children with this syndrome don’t have any symptoms while others have severe developmental delays and seizures. GW Pharmaceuticals Ltd. & Faneca 66 Foundation began clinical trials in December 2014 to determine the optimal dosage of CBD to treat SWS, a drug resistant form of epilepsy. They are currently in phase 2 and estimating trial completion in January 2018 while measuring the change in seizure frequency.

One more active seizure CBD clinical trial is an open-trial, in multiple locations, researching the long-term safety CBD with the treatment resistant seizure. Currently in phase 3 and estimated completion in December 2017

Infantile Spasms (IS)

The 9th and the final active CBD clinical trial is studying Infantile Spasms (IS) in children between 6 and 36 months of age. Infantile Spasms (IS) is described as a rare and terrible form of epilepsy that usually strikes children in their first year of life. There’s an even more urgent need for this trial because the currently available medicines are not helping and the children are remaining sick. Now, in phase 2 and will continue researching the safety and efficacy of COS (Cannabidiol Oral Solution) in treating IS.

As a result, there are 22+ active CBD clinical trials, 230+ completed clinical trials, and 110+ clinical trials either in open enrollment or getting ready to open up to recruiting for CBD clinical trials.

(Original Author Credit: Joe Powers – Cannatech.News – August 28, 2017)

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About the author

Corre Addam

Addam spends the lion's share of his day fixated on his computer screen. When he isn't in front of his computer, you'll most likely find him editing or researching his next fascinating article on his smartphone or tablet. When he manages to pull himself away from technology, you'll find him chilling hard somewhere, probably under a tree with an ice-cold Iced-tea, pondering life...

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