
Aurora Ships First 50 Kilos Of Medical Cannabis To Germany

Written by Corre Addam

In a brand new press release, Aurora Cannabis Inc. just announced that it has received all the required permits to ship cannabis from Canada to Germany, with the first shipment already en-route…

Landmark legislation has led to the first serious deal in terms of shipping cannabis globally, with an initial consignment of dried medical cannabis already on its way to Germany for distribution, from Canada.

Now that Aurora are the proud recipients of a Health Canada issued Export Permit, they can legally send medical cannabis to Germany. Just yesterday the company shipped 50 kg of dried flower from its warehouse in Mountain View County, Alberta, to Berlin-based Pedanios, Germany’s leading medical cannabis distributor. And additional permits and shipments are already in the works.

More than 1,500 German pharmacies are set to receive the new product, which is just a drop in the ocean considering there are 82 million people living in Germany, and it is the largest single federally-legal medical cannabis market in the world. Add together with that the fact that demand far outweighs supply till now, and you have a lucrative business export model in the form of Aurora.

Neil Belot, Chief Global Business Development Officer at Aurora said about the new move, “This represents a huge milestone for Aurora and Pedanios, and a critical step in our aggressive international expansion strategy. Our team has done an outstanding job accelerating our entry into Europe. This is the first step in unlocking future potential markets in the EU of several hundred million people, and strongly validates Aurora’s acquisition of Pedanios as one of the most significant strategic transactions to date in the cannabis industry.”

Meanwhile, the CEO of Aurora, Terry Booth, added, “With the receipt of our first international export/import permits and our first shipment to Germany complete, Aurora has further strengthened its position as one of the dominant operators in the global cannabis sector.”

Aurora are looking forward to expanding their business model, with an eye to securing more licenses and opening up an already lucrative and interesting market.

[Image credit: Pixabay]

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About the author

Corre Addam

Addam spends the lion's share of his day fixated on his computer screen. When he isn't in front of his computer, you'll most likely find him editing or researching his next fascinating article on his smartphone or tablet. When he manages to pull himself away from technology, you'll find him chilling hard somewhere, probably under a tree with an ice-cold Iced-tea, pondering life...

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